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So cute!!

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We visited a friend's camel farm recently and took this pic:




We did the whole "traditional weekend outing", riding on the dunes, falcon hunting, barbecue, drinking Arab coffee and camel's milk... Actually, the camel's milk this time was better than the last time I had it. They are making a big effort to try and expand the camel milk industry; you can buy it in the grocery alongside cow's milk, and they are experimenting with other dairy products made from camel's milk.


Several friends here of mine who have kids with lactose intolerance actually substitute camel's milk; apparently it is lower in lactose so they can have it. It tastes pretty similar to cow's milk, although it is a bit more salty.

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Were the camels friendly? Our cousins had one that almost killed one of them. She SAT on him and he was badly hurt. I've heard they can be a bit tempermental?


Ouch! Well, I treat camels more like cows than horses, nice to look at but no need to get too close, lol. These were in pens, I didn't get close enough to test the waters... especially since there were lots of babies, I didn't know how protective the moms would be.


They have camels in petting zoos here which are friendly; I've heard that male camels can be quite nasty, they are often in pens by themselves; and in general you don't see people running up to pet camels, the way people often do with horses. I think they do have a reputation as being, um, unpredictable, in that regard.


Hope your cousin is ok!!

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Totally adorable.

I've read a little about camel's milk. It's supposed to be really good for you. Of course, as it becomes more available in shops, they'll start regulating it which means pasteurization.....


Anyway, here's an amusing article I read awhile back. It's about a 90 year old Indian man who became a father again and he chalks it up to camel's milk among other things! shocked.gif

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