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Based on what I have planned, can you recommend Latin for me?

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Latin is the one area I am not sure about.

DS will be in 1st grade. I'd like to expose him to Latin next year even if it is minimal. He is a very 'academic' child. He's been reading since 3 1/2.


He will be doing Singapore Math 1A/B, RC History Connect Vol 1. Ancient Times for History and Old Testament Religion, AAS starting w/ 1 and going to 2 when ready, St. Joseph's Catechism, and FLL for grammar. I also have Living Memory to aid us in memory work.


Based on our other choices, what would be a good fit for us?


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Song School Latin may be just the ticket--really fun, friendly, etc.

He might be ok with Prima Latina--since you are Catholic, you might like the prayers and blessings that are in Latin. It's only 5 words a week, and there's very little grammar--just nouns, prepositions, verbs and a few endings. They don't come until the middle. It would reinforce FLL, too. Very gentle.

Or you could do Song School this year and Prima, next.

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Mater Anserina is very pleasant. It is tradition rhymes and songs (like Yankee Doodle) translated to Latin and spoken or sung. It is classical pronunciation (I think) so it might not work for you. My kids didn't like the samples for SSL, so I didn't bother with it.

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You have a choice of Classical or Ecclesiastical (spelling?) pronounciation.

We made a " car copy " cd of the prounounciation we use and so don't even have to fuss with the other one . ANd of course we can listen to it in the car. and as it's a copy, my kids can put it on whenever they want. It's okay if it gets scratched.


~christine in al

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Song School Latin is lots of fun. We started it half-way through Kindergarten and love it. DD is already recognizing Latin words in songs and prayers at church and at home. We'll be starting Prima Latina and Minimus when we are done. I'm excited about the practical Latin in Prima Latina for us (we are Catholic, too).

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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