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Our new goat

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This is Gus. He is a Nigerian Dwarf buck. We picked him up today. He is a very friendly guy, and he seems fond of our does. They are absolutely not interested in him (they were in heat last week), but we have high hopes for fall babies!



One of our does, Lucy



The other doe, Nellie



Lucy and Nellie are Nigerian Dwarf/Nubian crosses.


ETA: Click the pics to make them bigger.




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This will be our first time breeding them. We are going to milk them.


We came home and Gus was standing on the back porch. He jumped the fence. As soon as we put him back, he did it again. Good grief. Our girls have NEVER gotten over the fence. He is a turkey!

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A good trick for keeping in a billy that keeps jumping the fence is to make hobbles for his hind feet. Our goat was much bigger, but you could use small cat collars and tie them together with a cord, leaving enough room between the two so he can walk without shuffling, but not much more. He shouldn't be able to jump the fence with it.

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You will NEVER keep a dwarf billy who has learned to jump a fence, fenced it. TRUST ME!!!! :lol::lol:


My SIL tried raising dwarfs. They are MUCH better at breeching fences then full sized goats. They tried to keep them fenced in for two years, with all manner of fencing including electric. It never worked. After their landscaping plants were eaten to the ground for the 5th time, they gave up and sold them.


We got meat goats a year later and my BIL and SIL warned me not to do it. Well, ours have never breeched a fence once. But some of those little dwarfs are jumper/ climbers and once they figure out that they CAN, they will never stop trying. Good luck!


BTW: We had some new kids born tonight! See pictures on my blog.



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A good trick for keeping in a billy that keeps jumping the fence is to make hobbles for his hind feet. Our goat was much bigger, but you could use small cat collars and tie them together with a cord, leaving enough room between the two so he can walk without shuffling, but not much more. He shouldn't be able to jump the fence with it.


I am going to try this!


Well, if he can jump over a 5 ft. fence then goat panels aren't going to help you. They are just big steel panels, 16 to 20 ft. long that you attach to metal posts. They are great but not if you have a high jumper.




You will NEVER keep a dwarf billy who has learned to jump a fence, fenced it. TRUST ME!!!! :lol::lol:


My SIL tried raising dwarfs. They are MUCH better at breeching fences then full sized goats. They tried to keep them fenced in for two years, with all manner of fencing including electric. It never worked. After their landscaping plants were eaten to the ground for the 5th time, they gave up and sold them.


We got meat goats a year later and my BIL and SIL warned me not to do it. Well, ours have never breeched a fence once. But some of those little dwarfs are jumper/ climbers and once they figure out that they CAN, they will never stop trying. Good luck!


BTW: We had some new kids born tonight! See pictures on my blog.




Cute little ones!! So, this guy is already a challenge. Our does have always been so sweet and well behaved. I can deal with "bucky" stuff like the smell (ewwww!!) and the attitude, but the jumping...I don't know. I don't want him to get hurt. We will figure something out.

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