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Current 5th grade schedule....planning ahead to grade 6....please read and be gentle


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This is our 5th grade schedule we are finishing. It seems sooo overwhelming....is it or no? If not, why not? If so, why so? Please remember that some of these classes are 5 days a week and others are once or twice, etc a week.


M-F (5 days)


** Writing: this is tricky....but there's some form of writing almost everyday. It can be writing 1st or 2nd draft for outline or transferring into book report form for 1st, 2nd or final draft.







ETC (warm up, takes her 1-2 min. top)

Read Lit, etc.


** MOH trying to work in 1 lesson a day, but it's too much. Maybe 3x/wk.


1 day a week, on different days:




Read. Comp.





2 days a week, on different days:




** Would like to add progeny press, llatl, etc as supplemental/filler



Need to work in....but where?


Foreign Lang.


Logical Games


Gearing up for 6th grade and feel this is waaaaay too much. Tell what you think, but please be gentle and be specific. Thanks. Sheryl <><

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Oh Woww! That is just terrible!!! :D Just kidding! :D


Nah, the only thing I would suggest would to do history & geography on a different day that science. It all depends on what you do, but every single time I try to fit them all in every day- it fails! It's just too much, for me and them.


oh, I have my currently 5th and 6th graders doing tryping 4x weekly, for 30 minutes.

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Are you doing history/science/ & Health 5 days a week each? Or is one day science, one day history, one day health? I would probably try to do history 2x/week, science 2x/week, and health 1x/week.


Overall it doesn't seem like too much. I would probably try to gather all your Language Arts materials and try to schedule them out so it doesn't feel overwhelming. I know in that subject alone it can be easy to get too much going on for one day. What are you using for grammar?


One of the things I do is print a grid form from http://www.donnayoung.org, one that has enough colums for 5 days and play with my scheduling. I try to keep it at 6-7 subjects per day, lumping all of my Language Arts into one subject, except his reading time which is done in the evening.


For logic you could add something like the Orbiting with Logic series. There are three workbooks and about 40-50 lessons in each. Each lesson takes about 10-15 minutes. It's a nice introduction before entering formal logic studies.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

We are in 4th but my Plan for 5th is:





History (MOH vol. 1)

Literature (a selection of living books on Ancients)

Poem (Poetry for Young People)


Easy Grammar


Independent Reading


M,W- Christian Kids explore Bio

M- Artisitc pursuits

M,W,F- Latin


T, Th- French

T,Th-Logic puzzles

F- Music

F-Prepare and Pray

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That would depend on how large or small the daily chunks of work are.... If you're doing about 15-30 minutes a day on grammar, writing, etc. An hour or less of math; an hour or less of the block you class as hist/sci/health; about an hour or reading time, etc. then I think you're fine.


So, as a for instance:


Language - 8-8:30


Writing - 8:30-9 (to include any type of writing - see below)


Math - 9-10 (but you may not need this much time, so gives more time for below subjects)


Hist/Sci/Health - alternating? 10-11?


Spelling - 11-11:30 (probably don't need this much time, so gives more time for writing, etc.)


Violin - we don't count instrument practice as part of our school day......


Devot/Pray/Bible - 11:30-12 (we do this first thing in the morning, generally)


ETC - time for this is really negligible, so not counted....


Read Lit, etc. - 12-1 or if lunch is about 12-1, then 1-2....


MOH - is this an hour a day? That would be 2-3.... Isn't this history? Why do you have history listed above and then this listed separately? This should be part of your history or reading/lit time.... Also, writing for history should be done during history time; writing for science during science time. So stop reading and do writing for those subjects during those times....


Copywork and Dictation, alternating - 5-10 minutes?


Read. Comp. - I would make time for this during reading time, so stop reading and do comprehension when you feel the need....


Art - if you do MOH three days per week and if that's okay, or even four days per week, you could do art for an hour the other day(s)......


Manners - I would take the other 20 minutes of the copywork/dictation block to end the day by 3:30. (Maybe 3 if you take less time for some other subjects, less time for lunch, etc.)


Wordsmith and Penmanship - I would alternate during your writing block of time set earlier in the day....


So that would count every subject every day and end your school day by 3-3:30, if you begin by 8 a.m...... If you don't do every subject every day, then you'd end earlier some days....

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Science - Fall Sept to Thanksgiving/first week in Dec (completed)

History - Winter/Spring....mid-Jan to probably mid-May

Health - this we'll finish last part of May or beginning June


Each ONE, not all 3 simultaneously, is taught everyday M-F until it is completed. This worked great for my dd.


Here's our day (give or take):


Start can be 8 or 8:30 it really depends on how much sleep my dd needs

Let's say 8:30


Start 8:30




Math 9-10


Language (Grammar) 10 - 10:30


Break 10:30 - 10:40


Wordsmith/Penmanship/Manners/Copywork/Dictation/Read Comp 10:40-11

(remember on any given day there would only be different combinations of 2 of the above)


History 11 - 11:45


Spelling 11:45 - 12:00


Lunch 12:00 - 12:45


Kid chore


Bible Study


Writing ~ right now that could take an hour. She's working on an assignment that calls for a 900 word book report on a historical person. I've stopped the "lesson plans/daily" for language/grammar to focus on all the elements involved in the writing style and technique.


And, there are other things in the list that take us to 2-3.


Once again, that's not including typing which she should have and other areas for learning and enrichment.


I really LIKE the MOH activities. Have vol 1 and like, like, like the curriculum.


Any other thoughts? Sheryl <><


PS...We just seem to have gotten busier this year. Thursday morning Bible Study (CBS...yes, those of you who participate know it's a time committment, but a blessing too) and TH afternoon co-op, so our TH are full. Mon afternoon violin. Every Friday afternoon either another homeshool group we belong to has park day, oral presentation day, etc so our Fri afternoons are full. If we can squeeze it in gymnastics one Tuesday late morning each month. Every Sat. horseback riding lessons.


I have Bible Study at church Wed nights. All of this added to exercise (I'm overweight and must lose some weight) which takes time, time and more time.


Are the rest of you this busy...not as, or more than? What is usual?

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I hear you. We do school from 8-3:30 daily with outside activities almost every day, too. I guess I'm confused. You say "history" from 11-11:45, then you talk about wanting to do MOH. Isn't that a history program, too? Or do you mean that you're reading history 45 minutes a day and wish to also be able to do activities you don't have time to do? Is MOH available on tape? If you wish to listen to it, could you do that in the car on the way to activities? That still wouldn't give you the time to work on projects......

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Regena, We use Abeka history as a spine. I'm trying to add MOH. It seems in vol 1 at least at @ lesson is about 1 page side w/activity. It might not work. An extra 15 min to read it and 15 for basic project.


We try to get outside time and we do, but not everyday. I'm tired by that time of the day, sometimes and there is always something to do.


Does that make sense?


I hear you. We do school from 8-3:30 daily with outside activities almost every day, too. I guess I'm confused. You say "history" from 11-11:45, then you talk about wanting to do MOH. Isn't that a history program, too? Or do you mean that you're reading history 45 minutes a day and wish to also be able to do activities you don't have time to do? Is MOH available on tape? If you wish to listen to it, could you do that in the car on the way to activities? That still wouldn't give you the time to work on projects......
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My oldest is 5th grade this year - so I haven't had a 6th grader yet.... but I'm wondering if your dd has writing assignments each week that require an hour/day, does she really need Writesmith? And I understand the benefit of copywork and dictation, but does she need penmanship too? IMHO, at this age you could do copywork or dictation 1x or 2x per week and that would be sufficient since she is doing other writing. I know these are not probably your real time eaters, but sometimes doubling up (if you don't need to) just bogs you down - mentally as well as efficiency. Also, if she's working on writing for an hour everday, then couldn't you get through your grammar text by doing it three times/week instead of every day?


My other thought is that maybe you have more outside the house than you need, especially for this grade level? If you're doing a full schedule at home, and you have a Friday get together as well as CBS, violin, gymnastics, then I hope you won't mind me asking what in the world your other co-op is doing for you?


It seems that others say it's not too much.... but if it were me, I would streamline a bit and see if I needed that many activities outside the home.... (Or else, if that Thursday co-op is accomplishing something for you academically can it count towards the time you need to spend on a subject during the week?)

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Yes, I see now. I'll tell you, I think I would drop Abeka and just do MOH history. I mean, I think it's a better history program than Abeka (unless you're covering two different topics in the two). We just can't do everything. I have to choose between one good book and another every week. Unless you're in their program where you're sending in your work for them to grade, etc. and don't want to drop that, I think I'd go with the better program....

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I have a 5th grade boy, and much of what I say is based upon what I feel needs to be done with my child (your daughter may have different needs)


M-F (5 days)

Language (a little every day is good)

** Writing: this is tricky....but there's some form of writing almost everyday. It can be writing 1st or 2nd draft for outline or transferring into book report form for 1st, 2nd or final draft. (again, a little every day is good)

Math (yes)

History (4 days a week, maybe 5)

Science (3 days a week, one day of experiments)

Health (1 day a week, or do it during the summer)


Spelling (drop spelling, replace with vocabulary -- ones that teach latin/greek roots are recommended)

Violin (daily)

Devot/Pray/Bible (yes.)

ETC (warm up, takes her 1-2 min. top) (I'm not sure what this is for... we don't do anything like that)

Read Lit, etc. (every day, yes).


** MOH trying to work in 1 lesson a day, but it's too much. Maybe 3x/wk. MOH on top of other history? I do think it's probably too much.


1 day a week, on different days:

Copywork (you could drop this, or have it part of a different subject... say Bible?)

Dictation (you can drop this...)


Read. Comp. (is this test preparation? or something she struggles with?)




2 days a week, on different days:

Wordsmith (is this in addition to Language and writing above? seems excessive)

Penmanship (incorporate penmanship into other work and drop the subject


** Would like to add progeny press, llatl, etc as supplemental/filler



Need to work in....but where?


Foreign Lang.


Logical Games


You are doing a lot. There are lots of really good materials and simply not enough time to implement them all. Grammar at this point is mostly review and application. Some new concepts will be introduced, but overall we are really wanting to see students applying grammar across the curriculum (thinking and writing, not just copying)


In order to get new subjects in, you're going to have to drop some of what I perceive as duplication. Logic is a one or two day 30 minute course, typing is an every day 30-45 min. course, and Foreign Language is an every day 45-60 min course.


Here is how my son's schedule looks:


Language Arts (composition, grammar, vocabulary) 1 hour each day. He doesn't do composition every day, nor does he do grammar every day. He will do some combination of grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and composition each day. For example, on a day his composition is brainstorming a topic, that's a 30 minute assignment -- comp may be paired with vocabulary. On a day that comp is writing a rough draft -- that's the only LA he does. (we take LA off during the summer)


Math -- one hour every day, minimum. (we continue with math over the summer)


History -- one hour every day. We do SOTW over the summer (just the reading, tho)


Science -- one hour 3x a week. We do Health over an 8 week summer break.


Latin -- 45 minutes to an hour a day. (we continue over the summer)


Literature -- one hour every day of literature study, one hour of free reading. (free reading during the summer)


Art -- 45 minutes two days a week (take formal art off during summer)


Music -- 45 minutes two days a week (take formal music study off during summer, continues with instrumental practice, though.)


PE -- 30 minutes a day (this usually goes up during the summer... swimming is 1 hour or more a day).


We will be adding some logic games in this summer as well.

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When you add your activity schedule to your academic schedule I can see why you'd feel overwhelmed. If we have an activity that takes us out of the house it's always harder to refocus once we are at home.


I agree with pp about looking where you have redundancies, like the history and writing.


Are you modifying your academic schedule for those days that your are out of the house during school hours? If not I would consider it.


We tend to limit activities that take us out of the house to after school hours or no more than one day a week. I know our tendency to get behind if we are not fully focused on academics at least 4x/week, but we don't have any academic co-ops, most of our activities are extras.


Here's our week, just fyi:


Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri


Latin - 30-45 mins

Pre-algebra - 30 minutes

Read aloud time - 30 minutes

English - Grammar 3x/week, Megawords 3x/wk, Copywork/dictation 4x/week - takes about 30-45 min total

History - (M,T) 30-45 min

Science - (Th) 45 min

Geography (Fr) 30 min

Memory work - 15 min


Wednesday is our "off regular schedule" day


Art or Music - 30-45 min

megawords - 15 min

Science - 1 hour

memory work - 15 min

Logic/philosophy - 30 min

pre-algebra - 30 - 45 min

Read aloud time - 30 min


He does his reading in the evening, 30 minutes/day.

Edited by elegantlion
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Yes, we are very, very busy unless we are functioning on a relaxed schedule. (which we do every so often) Otherwise, school hours can range from 9:30 or 10:30am to around 4:00 or 5:00 pm. And add another hour or so at night sometimes as well; there are times when it does all seem like too much.


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Hi All, I hope all the reply posters see this....I'm grateful for your insight. It's a breath of fresh air and I'll combine the replies and make adjustments. I'm actually feeling excited about this now. Have not in the past b/c I felt like I'd be giving her "less" in her education. I can see I will not, it will be a different approach.


It makes so much sense not to be redundant...which my schedule dictated. It doesn't need to be frustrating for either one of us.


I'm so thankful for each reply!! THANKS!!!!


Sheryl <><


This is a duplicate sent on the s.n. board for those of you who view both.

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