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Art question


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any suggestions on where to buy good quality art materials. I ned to by things to go with the Doing Art Together book. Just wondering if there is a good pace to order online at a good cost or if it is best to go to the Blick Art store. Also what is a good brand of non-student grade Tempura (premier)? And while we're at it what are the must have supplies you have found that are generally good to have around the house (item, brand, etc)?


My little guy is turning out to be very artistic and I would like to encourage that as much as possible.



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I am an art teacher at a private school as well as to students from my studio, so I buy a LOT of art supplies each year. I use Blick frequently and would have to agree with the other posters. There are other suppliers that I use as well, but for the price, the variety of choices and for the dependable service and shipping, you couldn't go wrong with Blick.


As you try out various materials over a period of time, you will learn first hand which brands are better than others. I believe that brands are more important to know than which supply house to order from actually.




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I am an art teacher at a private school as well as to students from my studio, so I buy a LOT of art supplies each year. I use Blick frequently and would have to agree with the other posters. There are other suppliers that I use as well, but for the price, the variety of choices and for the dependable service and shipping, you couldn't go wrong with Blick.


As you try out various materials over a period of time, you will learn first hand which brands are better than others. I believe that brands are more important to know than which supply house to order from actually.





any adcvie on which Tempura brand to get and which brushes. Even if I have to spend a bit more I want something that wil make it enjoyable and brushes that last.

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I can't advise you on the paint because we switched from tempura to acrylic (the cheap variety), however, if you're ever in the market for art pencils, we love Prismacolor. Yes, they are quite pricey, but very high quality with vivid colors (and lots of them!) Occasionally, someone will have a sale (I bought my box of 72 from Timberdoodle for $40!). I think that Dick Blick is the website I saw that sells them individually for a good price.

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I don't have a favorite tempera paint because I only use them maybe once a year for color mixing. But I can tell you that there are some "washable" types out there that are terrible, so stay away from them. They are not a good consistency mainly and they don't blend very well. I prefer to buy tempera paint in person so that I can look at the colors in real life. I look for pure primary colors that will mix nicely to make desirable secondary colors. That is something that you really can't see online on your monitor screen that may not be calibrated to show exact color. So do keep that in mind if you are buying tempera paints for that reason. Otherwise, I think that most brands are probably fine.


As for brushes, there is a brand that I have found to be excellent for children's art. The brushes that have lasted the longest for us are DaVinci Junior and we use both rounds and brights. Here is a link to see the brushes on the Blick site. These brushes are well worth the money and are great for water based paints.


Hope that helps.






Edited by HSMom2One
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I think that loew & cornell have the best brushes. They can get a bit pricey, as any good product can... just make sure to wash any brushes immediately and don't let your kids smash them on the paper (or whatever). If you lose the point, the brush is now good for only a pre-schooler.


I think that you can do pretty well going to Michael's, Hobby Lobby or other local art/school supply store. It all depends on what brands they carry. It is nice when things I use go on sale or I can use the 40% or 50% off coupon.


Sorry, I have never used tempera. I use pelikan "cake" watercolors. For the kids, I tend to use acrylics.

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