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Kid incident at the theatre today...

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I am a part time theatre assistant for a local Children's theatre in our town. We have a group of 20+ students range in ages from 7 - 21, and about 1/2 of them are home schoolers. We are in an older building, and one that is not in the best part of town. During our theatre rehearsals, everyone usually receives a 1/2-1 hour break. The younger kids bring their snacks and hang out together, while some of the older ones have approval to leave the building and come back.


A few weeks ago a group of girls (ages 11-14) tried to leave the premises. They do not have approval to leave. We find out later that this same group went out one of the windows in the building, and came back that same way without any of us aware.


Well... until the employee at the sandwich shop across the street walked over to return a phone one of the girls left behind... she told us that there were four of them, described each one, and even was able to tell us which girl it was that left their phone.


We were was livid! The instructor called each one of them into her office, and each tried to lie their way out if it. They even tried to blame each other for coming up with the idea. (Great friends, huh?) Anyways, we got them to all finally admit the truth as to what happened. They knew they were wrong and apologized.


The instructor was going to speak to the parents about what had transpired that day, but before that could happen the Director told her and I not to speak to the parents. He will figure out how to handle the situation.


The instructor and I are a little perplexed. Why couldn't we go ahead and speak directly with the parents about what had happened that day? Both the instructor and I homeschool our children. We are pretty certain that in a PS environment that the teacher would still hold conferences with the parents if there were any issues. (At least, if it was my child, I would much rather hear from the "teacher" vs. the "principal.")


Can anyone shed light on this? :confused: Thank you!

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As a parent, I would expect to be informed of the incident the same day when I pick up my child. Stalling is unacceptable in my book. It sounds like the director wants some time to decide how to spin it. Personally, the only spin necessary is a warning that another infraction will result in expulsion with no expectation of a refund. The organization doesn't need that kind of liability.

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As a parent, I would expect to be informed of the incident the same day when I pick up my child. Stalling is unacceptable in my book. It sounds like the director wants some time to decide how to spin it. Personally, the only spin necessary is a warning that another infraction will result in expulsion with no expectation of a refund. The organization doesn't need that kind of liability.


:iagree: You mentioned this wasn't a good neighborhood. What if something had happened to these girls? Is he worried about a parent accusing you guys of insufficient supervision or something. We've all met the parent who has kids that can do no wrong - everything they do is someone else's fault.

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It may be a 'my butt is on the line' kind of thing, so I need to do the talking. Daycare directors do this too as do principals of schools in this kind of situation. Some parents sue over this sort of thing, so he needs to choose his words carefully. He may not want you two to get yelled at either, because some parents are very angry over everything and some get violent. The director does need to tell the parents today IMO.

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Thank you everyone for your feedback and suggestions. It is helpful to hear the different perspectives, since my co-worker and I are obviously too close to the situation. Although it still irks us (it's been almost three weeks and nothing has been done) we will just have to wait it out...


Thank you again.


Three weeks is totally unacceptable.


The parents should have been informed immediately.


I question if he ever intends to inform them.


If they were my kids and I were not informed, I would pull them from that program soooooo fast. I know kids make stupid choices, but expect the adults in charge of them to do better. That includes informing the parent of major infractions.

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I am a part time theatre assistant for a local Children's theatre in our town. We have a group of 20+ students range in ages from 7 - 21, and about 1/2 of them are home schoolers. We are in an older building, and one that is not in the best part of town. During our theatre rehearsals, everyone usually receives a 1/2-1 hour break. The younger kids bring their snacks and hang out together, while some of the older ones have approval to leave the building and come back.


A few weeks ago a group of girls (ages 11-14) tried to leave the premises. They do not have approval to leave. We find out later that this same group went out one of the windows in the building, and came back that same way without any of us aware.


Well... until the employee at the sandwich shop across the street walked over to return a phone one of the girls left behind... she told us that there were four of them, described each one, and even was able to tell us which girl it was that left their phone.


We were was livid! The instructor called each one of them into her office, and each tried to lie their way out if it. They even tried to blame each other for coming up with the idea. (Great friends, huh?) Anyways, we got them to all finally admit the truth as to what happened. They knew they were wrong and apologized.


The instructor was going to speak to the parents about what had transpired that day, but before that could happen the Director told her and I not to speak to the parents. He will figure out how to handle the situation.


The instructor and I are a little perplexed. Why couldn't we go ahead and speak directly with the parents about what had happened that day? Both the instructor and I homeschool our children. We are pretty certain that in a PS environment that the teacher would still hold conferences with the parents if there were any issues. (At least, if it was my child, I would much rather hear from the "teacher" vs. the "principal.")


Can anyone shed light on this? :confused: Thank you!



Could the director be concerned about the theatre company's liability for failing to keep track of the girls? Obviously you and I don't see it that way, but I can just imagine Director telling Mummy what Little Angel did and Mummy getting furious at Director for them leaving instead of seeing the truth of the matter, that Little "Angel" isn't. Sorry to say but I see this A LOT lately....nothing is ever the fault of Little Angel or the lack of decent parenting, it's always the "worlds" fault that Little Angel got into trouble.

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I would give the director 48 hours to tell the parents. . . Or Else I would 1) do it myself AND 2) quit. Withholding that info is totally not OK, IMHO.



Yeah, what she said. I would be very upset (livid, actually) if my child did this while under the care umbrella of other adults who knew what had happened and did not inform me. Those parents need the opportunity to address sneakiness, lying, and safety issues with their girls.

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Three weeks is totally unacceptable.


The parents should have been informed immediately.


I question if he ever intends to inform them.


If they were my kids and I were not informed, I would pull them from that program soooooo fast. I know kids make stupid choices, but expect the adults in charge of them to do better. That includes informing the parent of major infractions.



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