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Colonial/Frontier House - others like it?

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I've watched Frontier House, and really enjoyed it... wasn't overly thrilled with the way some things were shown in terms of letting my boys watch but it wasn't too bad.

(I am a lot more conservative/strict/etc about what my boys see then most people here seem to be)

There is also a 1940s House, and a 1900 House ... both British which we enjoyed even more.

I have rented them from NetFlix, have not watched Manor or Colonial ... but may do so in the future. They are surely an interesting look at what life could have been like back in the past.



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There is also one called 1900's house. It is set in England. The family lives in an actual house built in the early 1900's. Manor House is about the rich; 1900's house is more about the middle class.


BTW- there are some inappropriate scenes at the end of Manor House that I would not want a 7yo to see. It took me completely off guard since the others had been so good. Just stop the DVD when the "rich family" leaves the Manor House.


My favorite it Frontier House. :)




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Manor House is a little bit bawdy and so I would screen it first. 1940's house was EXCELLENT as was Colonial House. There is also Texas Ranch House, 1900's House, Frontier House and I am thinking one more.... You can check at pbs.org


I wasn't planning to let my boys watch any more of them unless I watched them first and made sure I wanted them too, but thanks for the info about Manor.

Ohh ... I didn't know about the Texas Ranch House! ... I just checked and Netflix has it too! Its now in my queue :D






Upon further searching I found one more in the House series ... however it doesn't look at all appropiate for children , its called Regency House Party .. and its more about romance back in the early 19th century, a matchmaking party in fact ... not something I want my boys exposed to right now.

Edited by rdolphingirl
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I LOVED Frontier House.

One of the most interesting things was the comments made at the end of the experience--

One family had been building a huge, beautiful home--when they returned to it, it seemed way too "cold" and big. The mom commented that even tho their house on the prairie had been small, there was always enough room. She felt uncomfortable in her new palatial house.

Also, one of the girls said she was bored when she returned home. She noticed her brother now played video games all day. Either she or he commented that (during the experience) there was "always something to do."


Funny how stripping down to the bare wood sometimes is all you need--not fancy houses, large spaces, electronic gadgets.


The young couple who had been married during the experience (actually hold the wedding there) took a lot of time off after, and were shown at a beach somewhere. They were shaken by the experience, and now unsure of how they wanted to live their lives--so interesting.

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