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CW Heredotus reviews?

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I have not done this yet as we are currently doing the Maxium/Chreia online course and hope to do Herodotus next year. However I did post a similar question http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=159895&highlight=herodotus



Kathie in VA





That link doesn't work for me. Is it just my computer?

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Hi Melissa,


I got your PM. Sorry I was swamped this weekend. I love, love, love Herodotus. I'll be curious to see what Plutarch brings next year but Herodotus has felt like the culmination of all the writing work we've done. Lots of focus on logical arguments, tone, audience, choosing effective material, in fact there is a whole unit on Logic. Just last week my daughter told me I'd better buy a new copy of the Herodotus guide for her younger sister because she's taking hers to college with her. She finds it that valuable.


Do you have specific questions? Are you thinking about the online course or doing it on your own?



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Hi Heather,


I hope you don't mind a few more questions.


What did your dd like about it? And how old is she? Would she have liked it as well if she hadn't done the on-line class? Is the online class one year? What had she done before (for English)? Did she do Maxim and Chreia (a year each or a semester each)?


Dd is doing Maxim and Chreia this year (9th), but I don't see her liking an online class that meets at a set time each week. Is Herodotus doable without the class (on her own)?



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Ummm. I just handed her the books. She prefers to work on her own and at her own pace. We aren't doing the grammar because she is doing Latin, French and German which should provide plenty.


I asked on the Classical Writing boards if they sold one (sadly, no) because they did offer a course like that.





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We did the Maxim/Chreia combination class online. My other daughters will do each separately. I do not think that CW needs to be done in the online class, although I think they are great. But I do think it needs to be taught, discussed and interacted with. I don't think you'll get nearly as much from it by just letting the student work through it on her own. I just asked my daughter (who always wants to opt to work independently) how she felt about that assessment. She agreed that it would not be as effective if she did it on her own. She prefers doing the online class vs. learning with me but next year there will not be a Plutarch class so we'll be back on doing it ourself.



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