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Someone help me figure out how to do a family chore chart.

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I have four different chores that I would like to have done twice a week. These are things that the maids used to do that I would gladly pay my children to do. All of my children would love to do these chores for pay. I have four children at home so ideally each child should be able to do two chores a week for pay. I want to make it so that the children could pick which chore that they would like to do and when they would like to do it but I don't want the same chore done on back to back days and I don't want the older children to hog all the chores and not give the younger children a chance to do any. So I would like to make a chore list where the children can pick a chore and mark when they have done it. I would also like to make it where the older children can do whatever chores are left at the end of the week that have not already been done. I am just having a hard time with the logistics or making a chart like this. Has anyone done anything like this? If so how did you work it out? Anyone else have any ideas? Thanks. :willy_nilly:

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I have tried many charts and this is what works best for us. I hope I can explain this well enough.


I have a large white board with grids made with electrical tape. They make thin colored tape.


I made a list on the computer of all the chores I wanted done with pictures so the little ones who can't read could figure it out.


I have the pieces laminated


I stuck velcro tabs on the back so they could be changed around as needed.


I sort by kid but you could sort by days of the week on the top then kid on the side. Sometimes we have stuck the pieces in a bag so they had to draw their chore for the week.

Hope this helps.

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and it's been working well. http://www.handipoints.com I'm not sure it will "fit" what you are describing, but it's worth a shot! You can print the charts you create, change them around, rotate btwn. children, etc. You've received some great suggestions, though. We do something similar around here to what you described. I wrote down a list of "priority" chores...chores that I want done everyday or areas of my home that I want looking "nice" every day. I have 3 older children who rotate the biggest daily chores (which at my house are washing the dishes, wiping down the table after meals, school, etc. and sweeping the kitchen/dining room floor. Those are chores that MUST be done each morning/afternoon for mom to be "happy"!. They rotate those each month (I find a month of the same chore works best so they can get into a "rhythm"). There are weekly chores as well like cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, thorough cleaning of rooms, mopping floor and some semi-weekly chores like vacuuming lr and hallways, etc. Then there are the monthly chores like cleaning the van, thorough cleaning of basement/toyroom, windows, etc. You get the picture.


Another suggestion is to check out the Choreganizer system which uses index cards. I'm almost ready to add that to the Handipoints system so my kids can actually have little card to carry with them as a reminder to DO the chore. I haven't really thought that one through, though! Good luck...organizing family chores can be a real hassle!

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So I would like to make a chore list where the children can pick a chore and mark when they have done it. I would also like to make it where the older children can do whatever chores are left at the end of the week that have not already been done. I am just having a hard time with the logistics or making a chart like this. Has anyone done anything like this? If so how did you work it out? Anyone else have any ideas? Thanks. :willy_nilly:


My chore chart is on my other computer, though. I can upload it here when I get home, if you'd like.


In the meantime, though, what I did was this: I made a list of all possible chores, including ones that the kids can't possibly do yet, broken down into fifteen- to thirty-minute tasks, and arranged by frequency (once a week, once a month, annually). Some of them couldn't really be broken down smaller than two-hour chunks, but those tended to be the once-a-year things anyway, so that was okay.


Then, I typed it all up in Word (a very simple list, with "Weekly," "Monthly," etc., in bold at the head of each column), and used the "bullet list" format to put little boxes by them. (You can customize the bullets in Word.) I laminated it and hung it up in the kitchen. I use overhead projector markers, which don't wipe off easily, but will wipe off with a wet paper towel.


Isaac gets to pick two chores a day and we mark them off. Once Theo gets worked into the system, we'll probably have assigned "weeks," where so-and-so gets to pick his chores first all that week. I also mark off whatever I do. Dh tends to forget. :glare: (But I'm supposed to be thrilled that he does chores at all, so I'm not allowed to complain about that part. :001_huh:)

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and I ripped this off from the Tightwad mom - I also have four kids, and divvy the chores in to four sets. Each set has a daily and/or gross chore (cat box, bathrooms, trash etc.) and and a weekly or not-so-gross chore (dishwasher, sweep floor, etc.) The four sets are written on the outer edge of a paper plate, and I cut another paper plate into a smaller circle and place each kids name on a quarter of it. Fasten the two together with a thumbtack or thingie and you simply rotate the wheel once a week (I do it Sunday night) so each kids has the same chores for the week, and only sets any one set once every four weeks. So

Lazy Boy can't complain about taking out the trash - he won't have to do it again for three weeks. etc.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest kolson

We investigated a number of sites and settled on a free site:




It emails us each kids chart every week, it tracks monetary and non monetary rewards, and lets each kid login to mark their chores done. My husband logs in and approves or rejects their marks and can assign the rewards. I like it because it tracks allowance for each girl and seperates the savings, giving, and spending without me remebering each week. We both love it.

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  • 1 year later...
and it's been working well. www.handipoints.com I'm not sure it will "fit" what you are describing, but it's worth a shot! You can print the charts you create, change them around, rotate btwn. children, etc.



We investigated a number of sites and settled on a free site:




It emails us each kids chart every week, it tracks monetary and non monetary rewards, and lets each kid login to mark their chores done. My husband logs in and approves or rejects their marks and can assign the rewards. I like it because it tracks allowance for each girl and seperates the savings, giving, and spending without me remebering each week. We both love it.


My personal favorite:



By far the best site for chore sharing: http://upsees.com


Wow! I never even considered that there might be on-line resources!!! And there are so many!!! Wow! How cool is that! I found this thread a few days ago, but I was too tired at the time to read it. I posted a :bigear: so that I could easily find it when I went to sit down and figure out my own chore chart. I'm needing to assign my kids specific chores that they get used to doing. I was amazed today when I started to read to find there are these on-line resources! So cool! I'm going to investigate, but I was wondering, are these resources mostly for very young children, or would any of them work for my 7th grade daughter as well?

Thanks for all the smart women who add their ideas to this forum!!!! It's an awesome place to learn! :001_smile:

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