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When to contact paypal?

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I recently well, feb 27th purchased FLL 1/2 from homeschool classifieds....and ive emailed 2 times and havnet hear anything....


when should i worry about NOT getting my item and filing a claim. its so bugging me cause i really didnt HAVE the funds for it, but its what we were missing that wasnt too expensive.....(not like the scinece i want :D )



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If you are concerned and there are no email replies, I would report to both places now. PayPal used to have a time frame of 30 days that you had to report in, and if you went over 30 days, you were not able to file a complaint. If package was mailed the day you sent money, or even 3 days later, you have already had time to receive a media mail package.

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I've had weird delays as well (usually because the package went all over the country, even when it was mailed to someone very close by!) but the seller should reply.


Oh, I absolutely agree that the seller should be emailing. If I had not heard from the seller within a week I would be asking for my money back. I was only commenting on the amount of time media mail takes.

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I'm trying to get some satisfaction for some clothing I ordered nearly a year ago for dd3 on ebay (paid by paypal). $117.15 is a lot of money for my family. I only make ~$4/hour before expenses.


First, I waited a few weeks for the package to arrive.


Then, the seller was on vacation, and couldn't handle the situation at the moment.


Then, allegedly, the package got lost in the mail.


Then, we had to wait for paperwork from the insurance company. (This burned through to the 45 days that ebay will help you).


I returned the paperwork with a 24-hour-turnaround time.


The rest of the summer, the seller kept saying that she was waiting on the insurance company.


Then the answer in the fall was "Oh, I forgot!!! I'll get right on that!!" Again, and again, and again, and again, and again.


I have tried to work with the seller on this. Now I think that she is a manipulator and liar.


And both Ebay and the insurance company Auctiva could care less. Not their problem. And they refuse to consider policy changes that could help others in the future, like extending the 45 day help period when items are lost in the mail, or informing the buyer (who filled out an affidavit that the merchandise was not received) when the policy has been paid.


Last week the seller emailed me to say that she would refund the money through my Paypal account by the beginning of this week. Well, now it's Monday night. Still waiting. Who wants to hold their breath with me on this one?


I had found her on Facebook with my latest request for $$$. I've given up on the clothes, and dd has grown two sizes since then. I requested her as a friend. This was before her latest promise to pay me. Now she cannot be found on Facebook. Can we say, "blocked"?


Take care of it now. Find your inner B*TCH and work on this every day unless you want to kiss your money goodbye. Write to Paypal, and DO NOT let them close the account until AFTER you have received payment.

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Judging by your previous communication with her, does this seem in or out of character (if you can tell)? I recently had a similar problem with a lady, but it seemed out of character from the emails we had already exchanged. She had seemed very forthright and honest. Since I never got a response from my later emails, I went ahead and filed a resolution request with Paypal, but I framed it very nicely, giving her the benefit of the doubt. Turns out, I was glad I did it that way. She had not gotten my emails, and was very glad that I had gone through Paypal, because that's the only way she knew there was a problem. (Her husband had forgotten my package in the bottom of his briefcase!!) She was very apologetic and nice about it, and even refunded me $15 on Paypal.


So going through Paypal is not necessarily being unpleasant about it. You have a chance to type a note and strike any tone you choose to. I recommend a friendly tone first; you can get mean on the next go-round if needed. There is a time limit though, so don't wait too long! Good luck!

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If she is not answering your emails then I would open a Paypal dispute. In a dispute, Paypal will acknowledge your problem and email the seller. If still no contact (I give a week), then go ahead and escalate to a claim. You can always cancel the claim if seller comes through. I wouldn't waste anymore time trying to contact her at this point.


If you paid via credit card through Paypal, you should just call the cc company and back out the charge. I'd give her one more stern email to inform of intent to contact cc company though.

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If she is not answering your emails then I would open a Paypal dispute. In a dispute, Paypal will acknowledge your problem and email the seller. If still no contact (I give a week), then go ahead and escalate to a claim. You can always cancel the claim if seller comes through. I wouldn't waste anymore time trying to contact her at this point.


If you paid via credit card through Paypal, you should just call the cc company and back out the charge. I'd give her one more stern email to inform of intent to contact cc company though.


:iagree:Try PP first, and if that does not get you your cirrc or your money then file with the CC if you used one.

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It has taken me six weeks to receive packages sent media mail.

I have as well, but usually that has only happened to me around Christmas when packages in general are very heavy. Depending on where you live, the typical delivery time for media mail is about 2 weeks or less, even coast to coast.


The seller may have a serious excuse, but in the meantime, please make sure you cover the bases before it is too late to make recourse. You can always stop a complaint with PayPal if things work out favorably.

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