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If ds7 does his own strategies, do I need to still teach Singapore HIG strategies?


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We are only in 1B, and I'm looking ahead at my 2a and 2b HIGs for next year. If ds does his own strategies, do I need to teach the ones in the HIG too? He is ok at this level, but I'm wondering if it will come back to bite us if I don't teach him the strategies as written in the HIG. (BTW, I am one of the people who feels the HIG is vital to doing the program the way Singapore intends it!)


I'm trying to determine if we should stick with Singapore or move him to MM, for ease of teaching for me, and this question is a key part of making that decision. Thanks!

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What I have done is make sure they understand *how* the other strategies work and that they exist. After that, they can do it however it makes the most sense to them. It was interesting - inevitably one of my dc would understand one way and for the other child, it would make more sense a different way. That is one of the things I really like about having the HIG.

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We're using Singapore for the 1st time this year and are in 1B, 3A, and 5A. I wish that I had been taught the strategies that Singapore uses when I was a kid. I am not math-y by nature; I can't "see" the numbers, strategies, etc on my own...I just plod through the equations. I like Singapore's strategies, and my 1Ber is doing great. My older 2, who have been trained on Saxon ad nauseum, are having a harder time catching on to this new method, but I know it will be worth it in the long run. I would definitely teach the HIG strategies, but if your DS ultimately comes up with his own way that works for him, great...at least he'll know a couple different ways to solve a problem.

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What I have done is make sure they understand *how* the other strategies work and that they exist. After that, they can do it however it makes the most sense to them.


:iagree: In fact Singapore does teach several strategies so that your child can pick the one that works the best for them. Just make sure that his strategy will work everytime and for every problem (which I'm sure you've already done ;)).

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What I have done is make sure they understand *how* the other strategies work and that they exist. After that, they can do it however it makes the most sense to them.


:iagree: DD usually finds a method she prefers, but sometimes does change her mind and will settle on something else for a while. I think it helps tremendously that she has seen the alternatives.

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I'd be cautious if his strategies don't involve making 10's where appropriate because so much of Singapore Math is based around this.

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I see this question crop up in different ways pretty frequently here.


I guess the answer boils down to whether you bought the SM as a source of problems/materials (in which case, do whatever makes sense to you), or as a source of math methodology instruction (in which case, I think it makes sense to use the problem sets to teach/practice the methods being taught).


For me, I require that the kid uses the "Singapore way" to do problem sets that are clearly intended as practice in a particular method. . . They can do it "their way" later on. . . but, for a particular exercise clearly meant to solidify understanding of a specific method, I require they use the method intended.


Works for us.

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