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Help me think through 7th grade math....

Jen the RD

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OK, hive. I need advice for which option to choose for my dd's 7th gr math. We have been combining Horizons & Singapore (SM) for the past 6 years. That has worked very well for us. Just this year, I have noticed a big boost in my dd's confidence in doing math, especially tackling some of the more challenging SM problems. Because we have combined programs, we have moved at a slower rate through SM. At the end of June we will have finished Horizons 6 and SM 5B. So, I'll list the options that are swirling through my head right now.


Option 1:

Finish SM 6A & 6B and move on into Algebra I.


Option 2:

Skip SM 6A & 6B and move on into pre-algebra using either Dolciani Pre-algebra, Lial's BCM, or LOF pre-algebra & biology.


In either case, I really am unsure of which program to choose. Dd seems to be able to read through her math texts easily and understand the problems. I am mostly there for questions. Occasionally, I need to do "teaching of a concept". I feel pretty confident about teaching pre-algebra and algebra. Dd needs review which is why I think Horizons has worked so well for her. Any program I choose would need good review included.


Thanks for listening to me think out loud. I'll look forward to your suggestions and experiences.


God bless,


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I am currently using this with my 12 year old 7th grade son. He is doing great with this program. We used Saxon in the past and it was pure torture every. single. day.


The book is overwhelming at first, but after about 2 weeks we got into our groove and it's been great ever since.


The explanations are wonderful. There are more practice problems than you will ever need, but if you do...there they are!!!


We usually do the odds for the lessons, odds for the reviews unless the chapter has been exceptionally difficult, then we do all the review problems and all the cumulative review problems.


I purchased the solutions manual and digital video tutors from the publisher for about $60-$65 for both (don't remember the exact amount). I think I found the book for less than $10 at a used bookstore. So...not super cheap, but you could do it without the solutions and videos...I have them more for back-up...just in case.

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I am currently using this with my 12 year old 7th grade son. He is doing great with this program. We used Saxon in the past and it was pure torture every. single. day.


The book is overwhelming at first, but after about 2 weeks we got into our groove and it's been great ever since.


The explanations are wonderful. There are more practice problems than you will ever need, but if you do...there they are!!!


We usually do the odds for the lessons, odds for the reviews unless the chapter has been exceptionally difficult, then we do all the review problems and all the cumulative review problems.


I purchased the solutions manual and digital video tutors from the publisher for about $60-$65 for both (don't remember the exact amount). I think I found the book for less than $10 at a used bookstore. So...not super cheap, but you could do it without the solutions and videos...I have them more for back-up...just in case.


Robin, thanks for the info about BCM. It's good to know you think the explanations are well done--I know dd will appreciate that. I've read in other posts that some kids have been intimidated by all the problems on the page. I can see my own dd freaking out about that. It sounds like you have overcome that, so that's good to know.


Earlier tonight, I was trying to locate a used BCM on the internet. Which version do you have and what's the ISBN? This seems to be the best way to search for these used textbooks. I may also try to get the Dolciani for comparison.


If you don't mind, I have a few more questions. What math did your dc use before BCM? What made you decide on BCM? Did you ever look at Dolciani or any other pre-algebra texts? Do you think you'll continue with Lial's for algebra and higher math?


Thanks so much!


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I'm also considering BCM for my ds for 7th. He has completed Singapore PM through 6B and a combination of Abeka (1-3) and R&S (4-6). He sailed through all these books so I bumped him up to R&S 8. He's been doing fine except for a couple of areas--dividing by fractions and currently, area and volume. Part of his problem is maturity--he just wants to get the work done so he doesn't slow down to really read and figure out what the question is asking him to do. But I want to be sure he has the basics down too. Dh doesn't think this warrants another full year of pre-algebra but we definitely need to work on the weak spots before moving on to algebra. That's why I'm considering BCM. I have yet to purchase it, though, so I'm not sure how the format will work for us.




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ISBN 0321257804


My son used Saxon and Teaching Textbooks (for just a little while). Saxon is mostly what he used. He was fine with the easier concepts in Saxon, but as they started to get a little more complex, he was having trouble remembering how to do the problems. We were constantly having to conduct reteaching sessions. BLAH.


I decided he needed to sit on a concept for a bit and practice rather than do little bits and pieces each day. Mastery works so much better for him.


I do plan to have him use this series all the way through high school (or one just like it...I have the Introductory and Intermediate Algebra texts by Tobey and Slater...my oldest used these in community college and they are almost identical in scope and sequence and wonderful explanations). My 17 year old daughter is using the Intermediate text right now and LOVES it. She tried Saxon and it brought her to tears. She also used TT for Algebra 1 and Geometry. She felt the TT Algebra was too easy and asked to use something else. Since we had the college text in the house, we tried it!


I also have a Dolciani Algebra 1 text, but haven't really looked at it closely, yet...


We may follow up the BCM with Lial's Pre-Algebra book. It contains A LOT of information not in the BCM book...information that would definitely make Algebra a lot easier.


We don't work on an advanced math sequence, so I am good with my son not starting Algebra 1 until 9th grade.




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I'm also considering BCM for my ds for 7th. He has completed Singapore PM through 6B and a combination of Abeka (1-3) and R&S (4-6). He sailed through all these books so I bumped him up to R&S 8. He's been doing fine except for a couple of areas--dividing by fractions and currently, area and volume. Part of his problem is maturity--he just wants to get the work done so he doesn't slow down to really read and figure out what the question is asking him to do. But I want to be sure he has the basics down too. Dh doesn't think this warrants another full year of pre-algebra but we definitely need to work on the weak spots before moving on to algebra. That's why I'm considering BCM. I have yet to purchase it, though, so I'm not sure how the format will work for us.


Thanks for your thoughts. Since your ds has finished 6A & B, do you think it's OK to skip them and move on to a pre-algebra text? Is there anything critical in them that dd might miss?



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ISBN 0321257804

Thanks for the ISBN. This will help me in my search!


We may follow up the BCM with Lial's Pre-Algebra book. It contains A LOT of information not in the BCM book...information that would definitely make Algebra a lot easier.


What?! A pre-algebra book? I didn't even know one existed by Lial. Since you know about both, which is better prep for algebra I? How difficult is it to find?




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I found one at the used bookstore...for $3!!! But you can search the Pearson Addison Wesley website for any of the books and ISBNs.


It is quite a bit more difficult than BCM. It has a lot more Algebra-type concepts...more abstract problems. We are using BCM to fill any gaps left from our previous math program. We are using the BCM as 7th grade math and will use Pre-Algebra as 8th grade math...then onto Algebra 1 in 9th.



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My twins are just finishing up Singapore 6b.


The mathier one I plan on doing Singapore Discovering Math 1a/b with before moving into Algebra - current plan is Foerster's.


The other one is more like the other poster's ds - having trouble with things like dividing fractions and area and volume because she doesn't want to bother thinking through all the steps or really reading closely to figure out what the question actually is, or makes really sloppy arithmetic errors (pretty darn sure she knows by now that 4x4 is not 8 :glare:) That one is going into Lial's BCM.


I had her look at Videotext, Lial's BCM, and she's already familiar with LOF. She chose the Lial's, in spite of it having the most problems on the page. I am very encouraged by all the posts from people saying it has very clear explanations. She hated Videotext - she likes the Lial DVTs better (I found them used for cheap). I may be having her do the LOF Pre-Alg/Bio anyway as a supplement, but the plan is to use BCM as the main text. We'll have to see how it goes! With any luck she'll like the Lial's and we can continue with it into Algebra proper.

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Thanks for your thoughts. Since your ds has finished 6A & B, do you think it's OK to skip them and move on to a pre-algebra text? Is there anything critical in them that dd might miss?




I think this could work. I just remembered (it was only 3 years ago but seems like ages so I'd forgotten already :tongue_smilie:) that this is basically what my older ds did. He had a harder time with Singapore PM. So while we worked through 6A he didn't complete it. So I moved him to pre-algebra but the program I had chosen didn't work for him. So we switched to R&S 8 and he did well with that. We followed that up with Jacobs Algebra in 8th grade.




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I think this could work. I just remembered (it was only 3 years ago but seems like ages so I'd forgotten already :tongue_smilie:) that this is basically what my older ds did. He had a harder time with Singapore PM. So while we worked through 6A he didn't complete it. So I moved him to pre-algebra but the program I had chosen didn't work for him. So we switched to R&S 8 and he did well with that. We followed that up with Jacobs Algebra in 8th grade.



I hadn't even thought about R&S Math 8. Would you consider it a "pre-algebra" course? If you don't mind sharing, what pre-algebra did not work for your ds?



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I found one at the used bookstore...for $3!!! But you can search the Pearson Addison Wesley website for any of the books and ISBNs.


It is quite a bit more difficult than BCM. It has a lot more Algebra-type concepts...more abstract problems. We are using BCM to fill any gaps left from our previous math program. We are using the BCM as 7th grade math and will use Pre-Algebra as 8th grade math...then onto Algebra 1 in 9th.




I can see why you are waiting on the pre-algebra until 8th. That one doesn't sound like a good fit for us. Thanks for sharing your experience!


My twins are just finishing up Singapore 6b.


The mathier one I plan on doing Singapore Discovering Math 1a/b with before moving into Algebra - current plan is Foerster's.


The other one is more like the other poster's ds - having trouble with things like dividing fractions and area and volume because she doesn't want to bother thinking through all the steps or really reading closely to figure out what the question actually is, or makes really sloppy arithmetic errors (pretty darn sure she knows by now that 4x4 is not 8 :glare:) That one is going into Lial's BCM.


I had her look at Videotext, Lial's BCM, and she's already familiar with LOF. She chose the Lial's, in spite of it having the most problems on the page. I am very encouraged by all the posts from people saying it has very clear explanations. She hated Videotext - she likes the Lial DVTs better (I found them used for cheap). I may be having her do the LOF Pre-Alg/Bio anyway as a supplement, but the plan is to use BCM as the main text. We'll have to see how it goes! With any luck she'll like the Lial's and we can continue with it into Algebra proper.


I, too, have read the many posts about the clear explanantions in BCM. I think I just need to get my hands on the book and compare it to what we've been doing. Do you think you'll continue with Lial's for upper level math for your ds?



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We are using Lial's BCM with great success. I do think, however, it may be too easy for a student who knows the basics. With that said, it is exactly what my 7th grade ds needed. We will use CLE as review.


I also own Dolciani's Prealgebra. It is quite different. It is a text that I would personally love. It has much more algebraic content, versus the explicit, basic instruction of Lial's.

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I would continue with S6a/b, even if simultaneously pulling in another pre-algebra text. Ds went from Horizons and Singapore Primary straight to Dolciani Algebra 1 (though, come to think of it, he did also do some -- though I don't think all -- of the Key to Algebra books as well, before beginning Algebra 1). While Algebra 1 has been more challenging to him than past years of math, I don't find he's missing any concepts or that the algebra is overwhelming.


I do think it would be a shame to get through so much of the Primary series and not finish it out though.

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I also own Dolciani's Prealgebra. It is quite different. It is a text that I would personally love. It has much more algebraic content, versus the explicit, basic instruction of Lial's.


I've seen Dolciani's and I noticed more algebra content than I expected for a pre-algebra text. Like you, *I* really liked the text. I just wondered whether or not my dd was ready for the abstract thinking. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and just buy some of these texts so I can review them simultaneously.



I would continue with S6a/b, even if simultaneously pulling in another pre-algebra text. Ds went from Horizons and Singapore Primary straight to Dolciani Algebra 1 (though, come to think of it, he did also do some -- though I don't think all -- of the Key to Algebra books as well, before beginning Algebra 1). While Algebra 1 has been more challenging to him than past years of math, I don't find he's missing any concepts or that the algebra is overwhelming.


I do think it would be a shame to get through so much of the Primary series and not finish it out though.


Abbeyej, thanks for the input about SM. I think you're right that it would be a shame not to finish the sequence. I've loved the methodology taught by SM and the only reason I'm not considering continuing with NEM is that I want a more traditional approach to upper level math: algebra I & II, geometry, trig, calc.



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