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Combining kids for subjects

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I have 2 dds ages 6 & 4. As my younger is getting ready to start hs, I'm wondering if it is better/easier to combine the girls for History & Science (basically following WTM) or would it be just as easy and more age appropriate to keep them separate? Has anyone been in a similar situation? What have you done and how did it work? TIA!



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I combine all three boys (9, 7, 5) for History, Science, Art, Music, Japanese.


In History and Science I do expect age-appropriate work from them. For example, for science, the young K'er listens to the reading and may draw or cut out a picture for his notebook; first grader will listen, draw a picture and copy two sentences; third-grader will listen, draw, and write a paragraph.


It's actually a lot of fun learning together.



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Mine are combined for all read alouds, history etc

We have independent time each day, and "together time" and have done it this way from the beginning.

I know others for whom it didnt work so well to combine because the younger was more advanced than the elder, and it caused bad feelings- so they are deliberately kept separate for everything, which seems a bit sad but I can understand the reasoning. But for us, its been wonderful to do some subjects together.

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