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I bought a bike today

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It isn't anything fancy or name branded. Just something I can ride when dd wants to go riding. Now I've got to ask. When did bike seats become tiny and hard torture accessories?


After the first 30 seconds all I wanted was the pillow from the couch under between me and the seat.



I suppose I'm going to to have to buy a different seat. Dd keeps saying I'll get used to it. Ha!

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As a long time cyclist, I can say that less is more when it comes to bicycle saddles if you're on it for any length of time. That said, it does take some time to get used to it and different saddles work better for different people. There are plenty of aftermarket soft, cushy saddles out there if it doesn't work for you in the long run.


Good luck and have fun!

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Will you be going on long rides? If so, you should invest in a pair of bike shorts/pants with gel padding. Yes, the tiny seats are torturous without them. :) You could get a different seat, too. There are some pretty comfy ones. Try a Performance Bike shop if you have one nearby.

It is still too cold here for shorts. :lol: The snow is mostly gone, and we have ice free roads and sidewalks, but it is still in the high 30/low 40's.

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It is still too cold here for shorts. :lol: The snow is mostly gone, and we have ice free roads and sidewalks, but it is still in the high 30/low 40's.


You can wear those shorts under leggings or pants. I'm also a longtime rider, but mostly now I only use my bike to commute to work or go to the store, and I wear my street clothes.


I have a gel saddle that I like, but I bought my bike ten years ago when you couldn't get a bike that came with a decent saddle for under $700. Now most bikes come with something decent. If yours did, then you might just have to get used to it. If not, then you can upgrade fairly cheaply. Even K-Mart has decent Bell gel saddles. But the best thing about the saddle that I have is that there is a hole down the middle, similar to this one:



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Is there something about having kids that makes bike seats so horrible? I never used to have a problem riding my bike for long distances when I was in college. Then I had my daughter, and the first time I rode my bike after that- same bike, btw- I thought I was going to cry from the pain. I couldn't walk correctly for a week. It was agony.

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Every spring it seems I can count on having about a week of soreness in the saddle area until I toughen up a little. Day 1 doesn't hurt, but days 2 and 3 sure do! I just make myself get back on each day for a little bit, otherwise I am prolonging the "break-in" period! A little Motrin and a warm, soaking bath helps during this time. Sit gingerly in the tub!


Try different seat styles if you can. Make sure it's at the right height and tilt angle for your comfort so you don't rock side to side at all while pedaling. As big as my booty is, a narrow gel seat is still my favorite.


Congrats on getting a new bike! I can't wait to get mine out, but the trails here still have snow on them.

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Every spring it seems I can count on having about a week of soreness in the saddle area until I toughen up a little. Day 1 doesn't hurt, but days 2 and 3 sure do! I just make myself get back on each day for a little bit, otherwise I am prolonging the "break-in" period! A little Motrin and a warm, soaking bath helps during this time. Sit gingerly in the tub!


Try different seat styles if you can. Make sure it's at the right height and tilt angle for your comfort so you don't rock side to side at all while pedaling. As big as my booty is, a narrow gel seat is still my favorite.


Congrats on getting a new bike! I can't wait to get mine out, but the trails here still have snow on them.

Thanks. I did not even think about Advil or another pain reliever. I'll try that before we go again tomorrow. If I absolutely can't stand it after 10 days, I'll look into a new seat.

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This thread brings back some hilarious painful memories of last summer. My oldest son and I went bikeriding, and he "went easy on me." After we got home, I was a little numb but managed to go on with my daily routine. The next morning, however, was TORTURE! I could hardly walk! I wondered if I would ever be able to sit down or get up without crying again. It took three days for my buns to be back to normal. Ouch!!

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I am so glad to hear it is not just me. After my third child (who broke my tailbone in childbirth) I have not been able to endure the bike seat. I will try some of the suggestions in this thread though because my two oldest are getting new bikes for their birthdays this year. I am going to need something in order to ride with them.

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I am so glad to hear it is not just me. After my third child (who broke my tailbone in childbirth) I have not been able to endure the bike seat. I will try some of the suggestions in this thread though because my two oldest are getting new bikes for their birthdays this year. I am going to need something in order to ride with them.

I'd blame it on childbirth, but the last time dh had a bike he had to get a wide padded seat. :lol:

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