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I have a question for those of you in Australia

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My dh is interviewing for a position in Australia (we are currently living in the US). He has long hair, and we are wondering whether long hair is culturally acceptable in Australia? Also, is it accepted in some parts of the country and not others? I know, for example, that here in the US it is acceptable for a guy to have long hair in certain areas of the country (California) but not others (the South). Also we have been in some churches here that are more accepting of a variety of different appearances than others.




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What a funny question! My dh had long hair until a few months ago when he went for the "corporate cut" in preparation for job hunting. He still doesn't have a job, so I'm not convinced it helped. As long as your hubby keeps it maintained nicely, there should be no problems. Where is this job located?



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To be honest I really think it depends on the position he is going for. I know of plenty of men with longer hair who are in blue collar type jobs, mechanic, painter, panel beater, they are great people and others think nothing of their long hair. However I have worked in corporate Australia for a long while and long hair in the corporate world (bank, insurance etc) isn't that common. There are men with long hair who keep it washed, brushed and pulled back into a pony tail but it isn't that common. We are in the west.


So what kind of position is he going for and where? How does he normally wear his hair?

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LOL at the panel beater. I've never heard of that.


My husband is actually a pastor, so this job is in a church. He doesn't want to cut his hair but is willing to if it isn't culturally acceptable there. Most of his ministry has been in California, and the long hair has been a positive thing there. I would hate for him to cut his hair. He looks soooo good with long hair, but I understand if he needs to.

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I know an Anglican pastor here with long hair- he is very well respected. I wouldn't cut my hair for the job. I would however make sure it is tidy and pulled back in a pony tail.

I don't think most of Australia is as conservative as the South in the U.S.- but probably not as loose as California. But it varies here, just like over there. If you can say the general area, we might be able to help more. If its a big city..well, could go either way.

Are they looking for someone who can bring some fresh air...or are they looking for someone who will completely keep the status quo? I would say a pony tail gives the impression of someone with a more fresh spirit.

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What is the demographics of the congregation? If it is mainly young people in a city church, long hair would be fine. If for some crazy reason you were looking to move to the back of beyond, it would be looked down on. The grannies may or may not get over it once they got to know him. :rolleyes: In a suburban area, it could go either way. His potential employers should know the answer to that question, but I don't know if they'd give an honest answer because it isn't very polite to tell someone how to wear their hair!



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Thank you all! I appreciate the replies. My dh would prefer that I not go into detail about the location or the church at this point because sometimes it is a small world. :) If things work out, I'll definitely let you know in terms of location, and I'll probably have more questions for you all. :D


At this point he's still trying to decide if he should keep the hair.


Also, Sandra, thanks for the link.

Edited by Nicole not in CA
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Umm, I know plenty of people with long hair here in the South. My dh's boss, for one. He had a pony tail for years, and only recently got a shorter haircut when he got up into his 50's. I think he only got it cut because it makes him look younger.




My boss at Alabama Power had a curly poney tail (and a diamond stud earring) (and wore his shirts open with his chest hairs hanging out :confused:) We called him wolfey (woofey). :lol:



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If your denomination isn't disapproving of long haired men over there, they probably won't be here. In most situations, it's more how tidy and looked after it looks than the length. Dreads are looked down on in some circles, but brushed and tied back hair is accepted most of the time.

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