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C/C Anyone have teenage or young adult prodigals

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I have a brother and sister who both spent time outside of our faith, and have now returned. I couldn't tell you exactly what my folks did or didn't do, though. I know that there was a lot of prayer involved. I also know that when I struggled as a teen with some issues that nearly took me outside of our faith for a time one thing my Mom did well was to make sure that she kept our relationship going, and largely positive and friendly. I'm sure it was terribly difficult, but while I knew that she didn't like everything that I was doing she didn't make that into the only thing there was between us. Had she not given me the space to make my mistakes, I would not have been willing to listen to her about anything, so she prioritized the relationship, and kept what influence she had. Looking back, it was a wise decision on her part!

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Oh yes, I'm there with you. I certainly do feel your pain! I had three sons by a previous marriage, and they are all grown and gone now. Although I remain very close to each of my sons, none of them are practicing the faith that they were raised with. It is heart wrenching at times, but I am praying for them daily and doing my best to always express and be an example of unconditional love.


My former husband suffers from a mental disorder and was not the best husband and father. My sons all love him, but they did not receive a father's love that would lead them to understand the love of a Heavenly Father. And along with others in their generation, my sons have rejected the religious trappings of the church. Still -- no matter what -- I know in my heart that God is at work in and around their lives because I believe in the power of prayer. I sincerely dedicated those babies to the Lord, and I believe that God is the God of the impossible!


Each day I hold on to the Acts 16:31 scripture, "...Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household." (Emphasis mine.) I pray this verse to increase my faith and remind me of God's promises.


I used to pray that my sons would start by going to church again, but now I pray every day for God to speak to them at a level that they can understand through nature, through things that they read and hear, through the written word, and through circumstances. What I pray for my sons is that they come to know God in a personal relationship. This is key.


Have you read Ruth Graham's book, Prodigals and Those that Love Them? I have a copy that I'll send to you if you would like. I found it to be very encouraging.




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  • 2 months later...
that have yet to return to the faith you instilled in them? Just really looking for those who can relate and tell their story so I can be encouraged during a rough time presently. Very raw and sad right now.

I'm right there with you....my oldest is a video game addict living in a hotel room. And he knew the Lord. Solidly. A 30 on his ACT. Sigh.


My second son has been oppositional since age 2. Still at home but barely.


Praying for them, wishing we didn't have to live through this hell. And praying and hoping for a better outcome with my last 3. Hard to be brave.


Wanna talk (so to speak)?

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:grouphug: Remember that God is the turner of hearts (Prov 21:1). Pray like crazy. For you the best news in all the world is that God doesn't need your child's permission to break into his life and cause him to be born again; He is God!


I wish I could give you a big hug. I will pray.



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Yep--my middle child is an alcoholic addict in recovery. He's not a Christian, tho we are a clergy family.


Just remember, God knows when to wait at the gate, and when to go searching for the lost. He is bigger than any thing or any one, and he loves your child and you more that you can possibly understand. He is good.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Be anxious for nothing.


Let him work in YOUR heart during this time. That's all you can do, as you cannot control the choices your child makes. But it is powerful!


You can read some of our journey on the un-updated blog in my siggy--



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Yes, I have a grown child who is out there kind of wandering right now, and possibly dealing with an addiction or two.


OP, you say you are sad and raw right now. I totally understand and remember that feeling. Her departure was sudden, confusing, and frightening. I don't have a bit of a problem with my little birdies leaving the nest, but this one was different and unhealthy. It's been two years for us, so we are past the raw, shocked, hurting stage. I actually checked in with a therapist for a couple sessions to (1) get over my guilt that I must've done something wrong (my head knew it, but my heart took awhile to convince), and (2) get some advice on what to say or not say to her concerning addictions. Now I pray hard, know that God is in charge and loves her even more than I do, and I know that everything is going to be okay some day. She's slowly coming around, making some contact with the immediate family. We assure her we love her and accept her and want the best for her. Goodness, she picked a tough way to grow up. Not what she had planned for herself at all. But she's strong, and God is even stronger!


This was long. :grouphug: Know that you are not alone. Please take care of yourself. If you think you need to talk to somebody, do it.

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