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#2 Gateway Crashed!!!!!

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Well, second Gateway One crashed, only after two years. Buyer beware.


I swear, they have a scam. You return it and than they say they cant fix, and they give you a used one.


I already, reported them to BBB for the last fiasco. I hope they stay true their word, and I get my computer back in ten days.


Now, I am back to using an Hp that doesnt accept any programs, thats why we put it on the back burner. Oh, how I hate computers.


Tip for Day, dont buy Gateway, no matter how pretty they are.

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You know, there is a solution for this.





























It's called a Mac ;)


Sorry for your troubles.:grouphug:




We're new Mac converts and I'm telling everyone I know about how much I LOVE ours!! Anyway, my first thought to OP was to recommend a Mac.

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Well, second Gateway One crashed, only after two years. Buyer beware.


I swear, they have a scam. You return it and than they say they cant fix, and they give you a used one.


I already, reported them to BBB for the last fiasco. I hope they stay true their word, and I get my computer back in ten days.


Now, I am back to using an Hp that doesnt accept any programs, thats why we put it on the back burner. Oh, how I hate computers.


Tip for Day, dont buy Gateway, no matter how pretty they are.


We had one a few years ago that TOTALLY crashed way too soon. We tried everything and they just gave us the run around until the warranty expired. I'll never ever EVER get another Gateway again. Buyer Beware!

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I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with your Gateway. Our first computer was a Gateway and we had nothing but problems with it. Your customer service as much better than ours, though. We weren't offered a new/used computer, but we were offered a "great deal" on the financing of a new Gateway.


We've had 2 more PCs since then and have had nothing but problems - crashes, viruses, bugs. We're converting to Mac as soon as we can. Join me. :)

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Tracy, not to sidetrack, but how are your cow babies, any new pics????


:) Lol--I've not taken any pictures this winter. We are about to sell the milk cow and the milk-cow heifer. The steer will be one year old this month and we are going to take him to the butcher soon. Our milk cow is due to calve again around June, but we hope to have her sold by then. We just really got in over our heads, and the most time consuming activity turns out to be the milking; so we are going to stop doing that part. It is sad, because I love those cows, but that is just where we are right now.


Thanks for asking!

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Unfortunately, dd is the only privileged one in the family w/a Mac.


Being, a lowly peasant, I have to save pennies for a Mac, or when the HP crashes, whichever comes first.


Well, Jet, my friend, I hate to break it to you, but that may not be so far off as you think. ;)


I'm sorry for your troubles. :grouphug: I wish I had known the wonders of Mac sooner. I mean, I always knew, but they can be so durn expensive so I kept getting PCs. Not any more. Now that I have one, it's worth every penny.

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