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I asked my 11yo dd to look for her reading book. You'd think I'd asked her to write a 1,000 pg thesis! I said, "Look in that corner." She stared at the corner for about 15 seconds and said, "I couldn't find it." When I reminded her, once again, that to actually look for something requires moving things around she got all out of sorts and yelled, "I didn't understand!" And then proceeds to cry crocodile tears, sit on the stairs and pout! She didn't like it when I said, "Are you bleeding? Did somebody die? Do you have a broken bone? No? Then that's a waste of tears. Go look under the coffee table." dd: STOMP, STOMP, STOMP, cry, cry, cry. I said, "Stop feeling sorry for yourself." "I'm NOT feeling sorry for myself." Yep. Mmmhmm. Right.


Anyone having a day like this? Or had days like this? (FWIW, I know we'll have better days but these just drive me NUTS!)

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Yeah, I can relate. Ds 13 has started something new...rolling his eyes when I tell him to do something. OHHH boy, I have to turn my back - the visceral reaction is very strong!


I swear kids are born with some sort of manual that says "How to make your parents nuts in 100 easy lessons or less!" and they obey every suggestion!



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I swear kids are born with some sort of manual that says "How to make your parents nuts in 100 easy lessons or less!" and they obey every suggestion!




Ds14 says it comes naturally, they don't need manuals. I guess that goes along with the saying that insanity is heritary, you get it from your kids.

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Yeah, I can relate. Ds 13 has started something new...rolling his eyes when I tell him to do something. OHHH boy, I have to turn my back - the visceral reaction is very strong!



My mom's favorite line when were teens and rolled our eyes was "You roll your eyes, I'll roll your head" YIKES! We made sure we only rolled our eyes behind her back, because we knew she meant it.


As for teh OP that sounds like life in our house, between DS's moodswings, and dd's dramatics I swear these kids will not make it actually being teenagers. We have almost that exact arguement here, right down the 5 seconds of "looking" and the exclamations of not understanding.

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Feelin' your pain with a 12 year old here.


Just stomped off myself when, in the middle of trying to explain how to find surface area of a cylinder, she whined, "I don't understand why you won't just tell me how to do it! Waaaaaahhhh!"


Excuse me? You interrupted my explanation to complain that I'm not explaining it? :banghead::banghead::banghead::cursing:

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