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Anemia help

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More red meat? It's the only thing that helped me when I was anemic while pregnant with dd5. Supplements did nothing at all. Then I started eating a big hamburger 5 times a week and it was gone within a couple months. :001_smile:


Ok, I'm not that big on red meat but I'll try it. Do you eat on the rarer side? Does it matter?

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Folic acid and vitamin C help a great deal with your body's ability to absorb iron. I hope you're taking them, too. Caffiene and some acid-reducing medicines can interfere with iron absorption.


I have battled chronic, severe anemia myself. Bleghhh. Prescription iron finally helped get my levels high enough for a hysterectomy. That was months ago. I am finally feeling better, but still not quite back to normal levels yet.

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Hi, I have anemia that is worsening every month. Is there a superior iron that I can absorb better? Any advice? I have a intramural fibroid that my doctor thinks is no big deal due to size.


When I was anemic my doctor told me to buy the brand "Slow Fe" and to take it with a vitamin C tablet to improve absorption.

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Folic acid and vitamin C help a great deal with your body's ability to absorb iron. I hope you're taking them, too. Caffiene and some acid-reducing medicines can interfere with iron absorption.


I have battled chronic, severe anemia myself. Bleghhh. Prescription iron finally helped get my levels high enough for a hysterectomy. That was months ago. I am finally feeling better, but still not quite back to normal levels yet.


We didn't realize I was seriously anemic (half normal levels) until I'd checked into the hospital for my hysterectomy. After surgery I took prescription iron 3 times a day, always with orange juice. I'm not a big red meat eater either but I found that instant oatmeal packets (regular flavor) are surprisingly high in iron and I added those to my diet for awhile.


It's not very practical for regular life, but I think the three weeks of total rest also helped a lot.



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