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Exciting share.

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About a month ago I started a local group called Drinking Gourd Montana. We are modern day abolitionists and strive to bring awareness to the issues of modern day slavery and human trafficking.

Since the first meeting things have literally snowballed. I have been in contact with old professors, legislators, law enforcment, etc.

As of now I have 6 Social Work students that I get to work with for the semester!

I have booked a showing/event for the film CALL + RESPONSE.

you can go to www.callandresponse.com to learn more about this major motion picture.

It is a VERY BIG DEAL....and I have it booked at the University for the beginning of May!!!

I am very excited about this. Very.

Thanks for letting me share,


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Thanks so much you guys!

Because of my travels overseas and witnessing some of these viles practices first hand, I have an intense passion.

I firmly, firmly believe that grace affords us a voice that we then must use. We must.

again thanks for letting me be giddy for moment.


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Just want to thank you for your work, I hope this is just the beginning of a productive experience for you and the group. These are important discussions to have, I hope you keep us posted, and start some stimulating conversations (here) on the topic!

Edited by helena
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Thanks again.

I don't have webpage, yet....I am sort of deficient in this area, but am learning that I must move forward and learn some things that I have been hesitant to in the past.

I do however, have a facebook group. I think it can found searching Drinking Gourd Montana; the name of it.

Every minute, 2 children are sold, forced, or coerced into a labor situation.

Human beings.


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