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Precocious Puberty

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I posted a few months back about our 7yo dd starting to go through puberty. The pediatrician referred us to a pediatric endocrinologist. We had our first visit with her 3 weeks ago, and she confirmed that dd is in stage 3 puberty and has changed rapidly. She sent us for a battery of tests last week at the hospital (MRI, ultrasound, blood/lab work, and a bone scan, all of which are pretty standard tests done in this case.)


We weren't supposed to have our follow up appointment until next week, but they called and rescheduled it for tomorrow.


I'm so nervous about getting the results, and was wondering if anyone here has gone through this?


Assuming no tumors or cysts were found to cause it, the most common course of treatment is monthly injections. I'm very nervous about this. We'll see what tomorrow brings and what the doctor recommends, but I was just wondering if anyone has some BTDT experience with this?


I'm just a nervous and worried mom today.

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did all the tests and one ped endo (private) recommended growth hormones. Had a second opinion (at the teaching univ). The second doc said that she would be between 5' and 5' 2" and if my husband and I (5'9" and 5'3") were okay with that - to just leave her alone. We decided to leave it alone. She grew a lot that summer and has topped out at 5' 1/2" Both grandmas were 4'11" so I guess it's in the genes. I'm glad that we left it alone.


But a 7 year old? How tall is she? How tall are you and your husband?




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Injections for WHAT ?!?! (That would make me race to the nearest endocrinologist who has no ties to the first one.)

We worked with a pediatric endocrinologist, who explained that "the clock does not run backwards". What dd is is what dd is. The doctor monitors dd, but has made no futile attempt to change what was underway.

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If my dd were 9, I would probably do nothing, like you did Sandra...just let nature run it's course. Since she is only 7, though, it's a different thing. Her adult height is one concern (we'll see what the bone scan shows there). My husband is 5' 11 1/2" and I am 5' 1/2". My mother is only 5'. So her ending up above 5' would be ok for us. She is currently about 4' 3.25" tall (I believe that is the height they got for her 3 weeks ago.) Her puberty is progressing more rapidly than normal, so height could be a concern...we do have to wait to see the results tomorrow on that.


My other concern, and perhaps the concern that is worrying me the most...is that the doc said at this rate she could start menstruating at age 8. I know my daughter and she is not ready in any way to do this at 8. Some girls may be mature enough to handle that, but our daughter is not one of them.


Those are my main reasons for considering treatment. The injections would temporarily stop puberty, allowing her growth to continue in a normal pattern, and hopefully delaying the start of menstruation. There are other options, but the research I've done shows that the monthly injections are the most common treatment used. Of course...I have to wait and see what the doc recommends tomorrow based on what the tests showed.


I was just looking to see if anyone else has gone through this. Thank you both for replying.

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If my dd were 9, I would probably do nothing, like you did Sandra...just let nature run it's course. Since she is only 7, though, it's a different thing. Her adult height is one concern (we'll see what the bone scan shows there). My husband is 5' 11 1/2" and I am 5' 1/2". My mother is only 5'. So her ending up above 5' would be ok for us. She is currently about 4' 3.25" tall (I believe that is the height they got for her 3 weeks ago.) Her puberty is progressing more rapidly than normal, so height could be a concern...we do have to wait to see the results tomorrow on that.


My other concern, and perhaps the concern that is worrying me the most...is that the doc said at this rate she could start menstruating at age 8. I know my daughter and she is not ready in any way to do this at 8. Some girls may be mature enough to handle that, but our daughter is not one of them.


Those are my main reasons for considering treatment. The injections would temporarily stop puberty, allowing her growth to continue in a normal pattern, and hopefully delaying the start of menstruation. There are other options, but the research I've done shows that the monthly injections are the most common treatment used. Of course...I have to wait and see what the doc recommends tomorrow based on what the tests showed.


I was just looking to see if anyone else has gone through this. Thank you both for replying.


:grouphug: I don't know much, other than if my oldest starts puberty we'll have to do this (he's growth delayed--his bone age is about 4.5 years behind his current age). It's a difficult decision anytime you're considering medical intervention for a child. :grouphug:


Do update us on what the doctor says, okay?

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My other concern, and perhaps the concern that is worrying me the most...is that the doc said at this rate she could start menstruating at age 8. I know my daughter and she is not ready in any way to do this at 8. Some girls may be mature enough to handle that, but our daughter is not one of them.



We are not dealing with this, but if we did, I'd seriously consider the injections for the exact same reason.

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was during the summer of her 9th year, she didn't start her menstrual cycle until 2 weeks before she turned 11.


It was very painful and very, very, very heavy (soaked through several towels). I was so worried because my mother (and I - to a lesser extent) had had heavy, painful periods that laid her up in bed. I supplemented her with chewable calcium/magnesium tablets. The pain went away but was still fairly heavy (just not as heavy as the first). She ended up anemic (sp?) and she had to supplement with iron.


Please let us know how the visit to the doc goes. My prayers are with you as you go through this.




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I don't know if your daughter and mine are similar or will have the same course, but I thought I'd tell you my dd's story and see if it helped.


We learned of dd's PP right at 6yrs old. Later, also at 6, she had some spotting which REALLY scared us. Our doctor was VERY calm and conservative though. It was believed she would start her period about 8 yrs old (it's generally about 18mo from breast bud development). That is early, but not extremely early when 9 -14 is average. This helped us calm down A LOT.


Sure, no one WANTS their 8yo menstruating, but....


My daughter started her first period just before turning 10 yrs old!


And though her height estimates as a toddler had her a little taller, she's a fine height at 5' 5". So it doesn't seem to have messed that up too much.


Anyway, so I understand your concerns, but you at least want to get a second opinion. I'm so glad we just let time pass. It is very possible it'll work out just fine. Of course, if you get 3 unrelated docs saying that the chances of that are nil, that is another story. I just wanted to let you know our story so you would know it can happen, at least in some cases, and consider a second opinion, at very least.


BTW, my mother and I had AWFUL periods which laid us up in bed on pain meds and crying for days each month as teens and in our 20's. My daughter had none of that. She's had ONE painful period ever. I'm so thankful we didn't pass that on!

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I had precocious puberty.


I started breast development at age 3, was a C cup by kindergarten, and was both a DD and got my period the month I turned eight. I saw a pediatric endocrinologist every three to six months from age 5 till 12, and had a full battery of tests. In my case, as it is in most cases, it was deemed idiopathic. What that means, is they don't know why it happened. It just did.


PLEASE PLEASE do the shots. I'm begging you. You do NOT want your daughter to go through this.


I'm 5'6", but my mom is 5'11" and my dad is 6'3" and my sister is 6'1". My projected height was six feet, so while I'm happy with my height (really prefer it to being six feet), it did cut six inches off my height, in all likelihood.


But really, that's not the major issues. Not sure how much detail you would like, but I'm begging you. Do the shots. Stop it. And in all honesty, dealing with your period as an eight year old, while not fun, is SO not the main issues. That part, while annoying, just plain isn't a big deal. Although the day it happened, I was totally fine and cool with it and dealing with it UNTIL I was told I couldn't go swimming. My friend was having a swimming party that day. For years, the swimming thing (my mom didn't introduce the idea of tampons for several years) was the only real problem with that part. It's just so complicated, in terms of physical development, social development, likelihood of experiencing predation, emotional development, and dealing with sexual feelings.

Edited by Terabith
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My daughter had the same battery of tests done when she was 8. They told us to let things run their course and that she would probably start her period by 9. She started two weeks after turning 11. She did have to wear a bra by 9, and now at 12 is a C-cup.


I hope you get some answers and some peace tomorrow.

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