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Exams/contests that home schoolers can participate in...

Julie in MO

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My daughter just took the National Mythology Exam, which I learned about from this board. She LOVED doing it! She is in 6th grade, but I also have an 8th grader. I searched the board using contests/exams but didn't find any threads. Could we start a thread of known National exams and contests that home schoolers might choose to participate in, please? Here's mine...


This is the link for the National Mythology Exam. They send you a study guide which is quite easy to follow and if your student gets 100% correct, they get a "gold" medal.


Thanks and blessings,

Julie in MO


PS...if there has already been a thread on this, and I just couldn't find it, feel free to kindly refer me to it via this thread. :001_smile:

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There is a program called the National History Day ( www.nhd.org ) that involves a science fair type of presentation/competition for history topics. I believe that there are different focus themes each year. You might check to see if anything is being done for this in your area. In my area, the local 4-yr college sponsors the event.


The history/genealogy group, Sons of the American Revolution ( www.sar.org ) sponsors poster, oration, and essay contests. They also have a scholarship program, so this might be one to check out in the middle grades to develop a strong application for later.


The North South Organization ( www.northsouth.org )sponsors a geography bee.


This site, ( www.engineeringedu.com ) lists many different engineering, science, and math competitions. You would have to contact the various events to determine whether homeschool students would be elligible to participate.



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This is my parents' baby



Many of their top competitors are homeschooled students. I assume other JSHS regions are similar. It's too late for this year (they're in the time of year where I can't even reach them on the phone, because between JSHS and science fair, it's a full-time job, on top of their teaching obligations), but it's not too early to start working towards next year!


ISEF affiliated fairs also often accept homeschooled students, although some will run a preliminary just for homeschoolers if they get a lot of homeschool entries, or will allot a few slots for each of several major homeschool groups and a number for independent homeschoolers.



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  • 5 months later...
My daughter just took the National Mythology Exam, which I learned about from this board. She LOVED doing it! She is in 6th grade, but I also have an 8th grader. I searched the board using contests/exams but didn't find any threads. Could we start a thread of known National exams and contests that home schoolers might choose to participate in, please? Here's mine...


This is the link for the National Mythology Exam. They send you a study guide which is quite easy to follow and if your student gets 100% correct, they get a "gold" medal.


Thanks and blessings,

Julie in MO


PS...if there has already been a thread on this, and I just couldn't find it, feel free to kindly refer me to it via this thread. :001_smile:


Thank you for this link! My 8 yo is in third now, so he's old enough for this and I know he'd adore it. He's in love with mythology so we will be doing this!

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