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RC: Confession protocol

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I am going a confession service this evening. I haven't been to confession in awhile. What is the protocol for these things? There are supposed to be 14 priests to hear confessions. I would like to take advantage of confessing to a priest who has never seen me before (I miss the confessional booth).


Can you give me the play by play of what I am supposed to do and say?

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There will be a group penetent service first. If you stay for individual confessions, it will be much like what you have experienced in the past


You'll say the time honored, "Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It has been ______ since my last confession."


The first time I went to a confession service, the priest who heard my confession let me get by with a so-so Act of Contrition. The last time (last Lent) I was prompted for the entire O, My God I am heartily sorry....


If your church do not have enough confessionals available for 14 priests the priests may make little areas. Confession does not have to be in a confessional. I received the sacrament of reconciliation in a Sunday school classroom.

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Go to the priest, kneel at the confessional and say,"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been ______ (time amount) since my last Confession."


Pour out your heart, confession of sins feels so cleansing - if it has been awhile, perhaps you should google a confessions-type guideline to prompt your confession.


Then you say an Act of Contrition. I know our priest accepts something like, "God, I am truly sorry for my sins and will work to avoid future sin," if you don't know your Act. You could also bring it along and read it if you don't know it.


I want to encourage you. Congrats for going. Don't be intimidated. I like to think of going to a priest for confession as talking through a telephone to someone on the other end. The priest is just the phone wire that is the connection. I hope you get a good and helpful priest.

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Your parish should offer you the option of either face-to-face confession or kneeling behind a screen. I feel more comfortable using the screen but my oldest prefers face-to-face.


One thing that I always find reassuring is that whatever my worst sin happens to be, I'm positive that our priest has heard much worse ones during the decades he's been hearing confessions. The priest at the parish I attended growing up actually had someone confess a murder one time :eek: Father didn't know the guy and he never saw the murderer again after telling him he needed to turn himself in to the police in order to receive absolution. True story!

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There will be a group penetent service first. If you stay for individual confessions, it will be much like what you have experienced in the past


You'll say the time honored, "Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It has been ______ since my last confession."


The first time I went to a confession service, the priest who heard my confession let me get by with a so-so Act of Contrition. The last time (last Lent) I was prompted for the entire O, My God I am heartily sorry....


If your church do not have enough confessionals available for 14 priests the priests may make little areas. Confession does not have to be in a confessional. I received the sacrament of reconciliation in a Sunday school classroom.


I know but I like the anonymity and privacy of the confessional booth.

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Also, if you are nervous you can write confession notes down and take that with you.


We're Orthodox, not RC, but I keep my confession notes in my Blackberry and take that into confession with me, hee hee. We do confession side by side before the icon of the Christ (same priest every time), so it feels funny to whip out my Blackberry but I also know our priest texts and all so not so weird after all I guess!

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We're Orthodox, not RC, but I keep my confession notes in my Blackberry and take that into confession with me, hee hee. We do confession side by side before the icon of the Christ (same priest every time), so it feels funny to whip out my Blackberry but I also know our priest texts and all so not so weird after all I guess!


I use my iPhone. *blush*

there's even an app for that too! lol


just be sure you turn off all the sounds on the phone!

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... so it feels funny to whip out my Blackberry but I also know our priest texts and all so not so weird after all I guess!



I LOVE the commercial about what people want in their phone service and the priest says "Unlimited texting. What? You think we don't text? We do."


He deadpans it so well, it just cracks me up!

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