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plastic containers and plastic zippered bags, what do you use to freeze food in? I make extra food all of the time so I have a quick meal when I need it...I simply do not have enough glass containers to keep food in the freezer in..so what would be some healthy alternatives?



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It's helpful to get the wide mouthed type.


A pint of spaghetti sauce is enough for 2-3 people as a main dish, and 4-5 as a side dish, for instance. A pint of soup is enough for 1 person--two if it's just a cup of soup on the side.


You can warm the canning jars in hot water, and the food at the sides melts first and you can slide the whole thing into a pot to warm it faster.


Canning jars are made to accept very hot food, and rarely crack with heat changes (although you can't put them directly over a flame). They seal completely, and are transparent so you can see what you have. I use these all the time.

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plastic containers and plastic zippered bags, what do you use to freeze food in? I make extra food all of the time so I have a quick meal when I need it...I simply do not have enough glass containers to keep food in the freezer in..so what would be some healthy alternatives?





I am ridding our home of most plastic containers. I am still comfortable freezing in plastic, though. From what I've read, the cold of the freezer slows the chemical processes to almost nil. For some foods, you could use a barrier between the food and the plastic (paper, or foil).

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I think I have missed some information somewhere during my reading around on the topic. I thought that one does not freeze glass containers because they can crack. More info ? Thanks !


If you don't fill them to the top, they don't crack. If their is liquid inside, it needs room to expand. You can fill it full with a solid food.

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