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MFW Geography vs Trail Guide to World Geography: Are these complete programs?

Jackie in NE

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I'm speaking specifically about the MFW one year program called "Exploring Countries and Cultures".


I'm looking for a complete geography program for next year that will cover all continents, countries, etc., and will also have some interesting books to go along with the geography study that will speak to culture, history, or physical geography. Am I asking too much?


When I say "China", for example, I want my students to be able to "picture" something that we studied about that country..... not just know where the country is located.


I'm also looking at "Trail Guide to World Geography", which looks promising.....


Any opinions? (Dumb question.....) Could you please share your opinions of these 2 programs?:bigear:


TIA, Jackie

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from what I can see of the sample Table of Contents off the website...there are only about 15 countries studies in depth but it does cover all the continents. I don't know about the actual content except to say that I do know there are additional readings/books that go along w/ each country studies. I was a bit disappointed in the fact that only 15 countries and/or continents were studied, but then I realized how difficult it would be to study every single country/continent in depth in one year! :001_huh: Take a look at the sample pages of the program at http://www.mfwbooks.com to see the samples lesson and sample table of contents.


As to Trail Guide...I can't speak to that b/c we've only used Trail Guide to US Geog. Hope someone else can help you.

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I don't remember the exact country studies we did, but I do remember the awesome game sheets you make for each continent. We had fun playing the game and you do learn where the countries are located on each continent. I would think you could just read about each country from a Children's Atlas. Maybe something that doesn't have too lengthy of descriptions. Then your children would get an overview of each country. A book I always thought would go well with ECC is Material World. They sell it on the Queens site. HTH



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Each continent that is studied might have 2-3 countries that are studies in depth (Ex/ South American has Brazil that is studies in depth, Europe has 2 or 3, etc.). BUT, when you get to each continent the dc make up a game board of the continent with each country mapped out. They learn the locations of each country. So...even though you aren't studying each country in depth...you are covering them all. I forgot about that. For us...MFW ECC was the top choice b/c of the missionary stories included and also b/c Bible is incorporated as well as science in learning about the habitats represented by each country/continent studies (Ex. rainforests in Brazil). HTH some more!

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In MFW's ECC, you do study 15 countries in depth. But those are 15 very key countries that will come into play as you study chronological history. ECC has an extensive list of library books that you use to add in a lot more than just learning where a place is on a map. Good thing is -- you don't have to use the exact books on the list to make the program work. The library list also has suggestions for fiction readings that are set in the country you are studying. Then there are read alouds for missionary biographies.


You get to do crafts, food projects, etc for each of the unit study countries. There is a geography game played over the whole year that your children will get to learn the location of about 100 countries on a blank map.


Also, other countries and people groups are studied in the Bible section of the program -- just not in as much depth as the 15 countries in the "geography" section.


Then there are the books that are for all of the physical geography of the continents.


Haven't used the other program.



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We use Trail Guide with their CDROM Notebook. I like this program because it can be used with multiple ages or over several rotations. You cover all the continents. If you have the CD it includes all the program templates and blank maps. How much you learn is somewhat up to you. You learn countries, oceans, major land features, there are forms for learning geography terms, so far we've had features like reports on wildlife, what I learned about x, map symbols. Much of how indepth the program goes is what you assign and which age level you choose. You could very easily combine notebook pages from multiple age levels for one child. But this is certainly not a countries and capitals only program nor is it a textbook. It gives rough assignments and you choose how you want to accomplish things. For example, notebook pages on major wildlife of North America-there is no assigned reading, just notebook pages for a drawing and writing a paragraph per animal. You (the student) choose the animal, you do the research.


If you have an atlas, a hole punch, 3 ring notebook, and colored pencils you should be ready. Nice extras are a globe, world fact book etc. You could easily do projects like the wildlife one mentioned above during a trip to the library.


Finally, my kids love geography and look forward to their daily work! I think some of it is thanks to this program. It doesn't talk down to them and they get to be explorers.

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If you want to know the ins and outs of everything, I would suggest you raid your library instead. There's a great series called "Cultures of the World" that gives info on location, climate, economy, political system, culture, language, food, etc. I think I read every one in my local library when I was a kid. I don't know how many there are in the series these days, but I'd be really surprised if you local didn't stock some. If I were a billionaire I'd buy the whole lot. Everything from Argentina to Zimbabwe!



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