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Percy Jackson & the Olympians Movie

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DS and I saw the movie this afternoon and I am a little sad about how they changed it from the book.


Percy is not a 12/13 year old junior high kid. He is an extremely mature high schooler. They took away his innocence and youthful naivete. The main girl character is way too sexy and they focused too much on her body and not enough on her character.


I also didn't care for the inuendo between Persephone and Grover. Um, she's an adult, he's a 16 year old kid and she says "I've never had a satyr.." sexy, longing look with a dramatic pause and then"...for a visit." Grover stays behind so the three other characters can escape to Olympus and the licking of the lips and the come hither looks he receives from Persephone are over the top.


Why can't they leave well enough alone without having to adulterate it?

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I don't understand this either. My DS and I haven't made it to the theater yet to see it, but I have heard a lot about it. He and I have both read the book, and I think we're going to be disappointed. He sill wants to see it, though.


I don't understand why they keep making movies that kids are going to want to see, but making them with adult situations that kids shouldn't be watching. It's very frustrating. :confused:

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I'm with you! We'd been really looking forward to taking the kids to this movie, but after reading some reviews detailing the things you mention--we decided against it. I can handle violence and even an occasional swear word, but I draw the line with 's*xy' teen behavior.


Very disappointing! I was surprised it hadn't come up here yet.

Edited by homeschoolally
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DS and I saw the movie this afternoon and I am a little sad about how they changed it from the book.


Percy is not a 12/13 year old junior high kid. He is an extremely mature high schooler. They took away his innocence and youthful naivete. The main girl character is way too sexy and they focused too much on her body and not enough on her character.


I also didn't care for the inuendo between Persephone and Grover. Um, she's an adult, he's a 16 year old kid and she says "I've never had a satyr.." sexy, longing look with a dramatic pause and then"...for a visit." Grover stays behind so the three other characters can escape to Olympus and the licking of the lips and the come hither looks he receives from Persephone are over the top.


Why can't they leave well enough alone without having to adulterate it?


Well, at least I can warn DD b/c she LOVED the book and she did already tell me that she knows the movie won't be as 'good' as the book.....but she is going to be disappointed. Thanks for the heads up -- maybe we can wait for the DVD.

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We felt the same way. We went to see it with a group of friends and had tentatively made plans with another group of friends and also planned to take dh with us to see it a third time! LOL


Once was enough for me. I'm not even planning to buy the movie - we'll rent it when it comes out to DVD so dh can watch it once with us.


I was sorely disappointed.



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I was very disapointed when they showed up at camp and there is a hot tub full of girls in bikinis! I think Chris Colombus was trying to keep the movie from having a Harry Potter vibe with them starting at a young age but I will not be buying the DVD when it comes out. I will just reread the books thank you very much.

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I am sad to hear this. We are planning to see it the first chance we get after the weather clears (lots of SNOW here lately).


Honestly, the most "true to the book" movie I have seen lately was New Moon. The rest of them have just always left me sad. The HP movies are never close enough to the books. The leaving out of the house elves (for the most part) and the role they play in the books, just drive me bonkers (as do a million other things). I would much rather watch a movie for what it is and not have read the book first...either that for just never see the movie after having read the book!

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I read the book as a favor to my 13 and 11 yo boys. We rarely go to movie theaters- it was a big treat.


I really liked the movie, despite it's suggestive moments. They were only moments and in all our post-movie discussions they didn't come up. My boys looked over at me during the hot tub scene and I rolled my eyes (that look that says "oh please, sooo unnecessary"). They know it isn't appropriate, but then they quickly got caught up in all the cool effects. The boys, who are finishing up the fifth book this week, thought it was a great movie.


I have to admit, I'm a little surprised at how much it didn't bother me now that I've read the replies.



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