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Reaction to citric acid or oranges?

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My family has been sick FOREVER. DS8 has been sick about 8 weeks. DH is right around that long, too. I'm at about 6 weeks. DS2 is going on 3 weeks. DD0 is at 2 1/2 weeks. and DD10 is right around 2 weeks. DS8 and I have been on antibiotics for ear infections but only some of our symptoms improved; we didn't get completely healthy.


Well, I got tired of it and declared a war on whatever is ailing us. Saturday and Sunday, I gave everyone except the youngest two Airborne twice a day. The adults got a full tablet and the kids got half a tablet each time. Yesterday, I gave everyone just one dose. I'm the only one who took it today.


I also bought a ton of frozen fruit and juice for smoothies. Saturday and Sunday we had smoothies twice each day. I made them from POM, OJ, blueberries, strawberries, and bananas. I subbed grape juice for the OJ on two of the smoothies on Sunday. Yesterday, I made smoothies for breakfast for everyone with OJ, blueberries, and strawberries. The adults had 16oz, the older two kids got about 12-14oz depending on the day, and the youngest was given about 10oz. Tonight, I made thinner smoothies with dinner out of OJ, peaches, and vanilla.


Yesterday, DS8 said his face was itchy. We looked and saw that he was red around the mouth and put some Benadryl cream on it. Tonight, he said his face was itchy again. We looked at him and saw that he was again red around the mouth. I put some Benadryl cream on it again. A little later, I happened to look at him and noticed it had spread and his cheek was red and a little bumpy too. I sent DH to the store for real Benadryl which DS has now taken.


He's not complaining about any symptoms except the itchiness and the obvious redness. I think he's ok but now I'm trying to figure out exactly what is going on. He's never liked oranges, nor has he been fond of OJ except in these smoothies, which he really likes. He doesn't like tomatoes, either, but has recently decided they are ok in sandwiches. Lemonade is ok, not his favorite. He doesn't care for strawberries, either. But again, he loved the smoothies.


So, is it that I overloaded his system with too much vitamin C? I thought that only caused diarrhea. Is he intolerant or allergic to citric acid or oranges? How do I figure it out...safely?



Oh...and another trip to the doctor's office today confirmed that 3 or my 4 children have "horrible" ear infections. DD10 is least sick one...for now.

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No, not a reaction to Vitamin C- but oranges and citrus are a common allergen, particularly with the itchy red rash around the mouth that you mention. For my dd it is that, and exzema around her eyes with oranges. Not unusual at all. If she stays away from oranges generally speaking, she can handle a bit of lemon or mandarin or orange ocasionally without a reaction, but a few days in a row would get her skin reactions again.

I would keep up the healthy smoothies, but stay away from citrus for the one with the sensitivity. Many are also sensitive to strawberries but if you just cut out the citrus and keep in the berries, you will soon see.

Stay away from dairy too- all of it- if they have ear infections.

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DD0 and I are on a 100% dairy free diet due to her allergies. The kids are about almost completely dairy free. We don't have any dairy at home but I allow them to order whatever they wish when we are away from home because they don't have any major allergy symptoms.


Do you have any citrus and dairy free smoothie ideas? I'm not a smoothie girl so what I'm doing is about the only ideas I have. I definitely don't like green smoothies.

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Do you have any citrus and dairy free smoothie ideas? I'm not a smoothie girl so what I'm doing is about the only ideas I have. I definitely don't like green smoothies.


You could use rice, organic soy or oat milk instead of cows milk. You can use various juices (apple, pear, grape, mango) blended with various fruits (bananas, any berries, mangoes, apples, pears etc) as you have been doing- just not citrus. You can soak dried fruits and nuts overnight and add them. You can use protein powders that are not whey based. You can freeze fruits when they are in season and cheap, and use them.

I make my own almond milk and add raw chocolate powder (which is very healthy and high in nutrients) and a touch of agave syrup, and a banana, for a very filling and healthy kind of decadent smoothie when I want a treat.

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My daughter, now age 33, had excema all her life. It has only been in the last 3=4 years that she discovered she is allergic (she has other allergy problems and asthma) to citric acid. If she carefully avoids it and it is in everything, her skin is much clearer. It is hard to avoid, but since it has made such a huge difference, she really tries. Eating out is a problem.


Susie in SWVA

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