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My dd keeps coughing—any good remedies?

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A tea made from dried plantain leaves is excellent for both suppressing an unproductive cough and for helping loosen mucus. If it's just the loosening effect you want though, then go for a mullein tea. Either way, put a nice big dollop of that raw honey in it!


Plenty of fluids and maybe a hot steamy shower would help as well. HTH...

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I'm not sure if that's what you want though if her ribs are hurting. We use 100mg every 1 1/2 hours but not in the late evening/night as I don't want them coughing when they sleep.





This works!!!! I was SO excited when we started taking this at the beginning of a cold last month. My ds with asthma is just starting a cough now and it's working on him too!

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A pharmacist told us to give our ds warm tea with lemon and sugar. NOT honey. Without being too technical, he said there was something in the reaction of the sugar, lemon, and tea that would help the cough. We were travelling at the time, so he suggested getting a bottle of iced tea drink and warming it in the hotel. It worked for our 5yo who had been coughing for at least a week.

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Black licorice works in the short term.


When my cough just doesn't go away, then I make the grapefruit cure. Someone posted it to an email group that I'm on a while ago. The following is from that original email. I have no idea about the validity of the quinine thing, but I do know that it has always worked for me. I used to get bronchitis every spring, but thanks to this recipe I haven't had bronchitis in 7 years. I've even had it work so quickly that the next day my cough was gone (while my husband hacked on for another week, and we caught the illness at the same time).






The other thing my sister does is to drink a lot (as in half

gallon each day sometimes) of the "Grapefruit Cure". This is a

concoction our mother used to make when any of her children would

get bronchitis (my sister got it more often than the rest of us,

I personally never had it until I was 39 years old and it turned

into pneumonia for me).


Grapefruit Cure


1 large grapefruit, cut into sections


Remove the pulp, leaving the skins


Place the skins in 4 cups of water.


Boil for 20 minutes. Allow to steep until cool.


Pick up each grapefruit skin portion, and squeeze until all the

liquid is in the pan of water. Do this with each skin portion.


The resulting concoction will taste very bitter. You may sweeten

if you like.


The normal dosage is 1 cup. As I mentioned, my sister will drink

up to one-half gallon in a day's time to alleviate her coughing.


Apparently this releases quinine from the skins into the liquid,

which helps to stop coughing and aids in breathing. I have never

done the research behind any of this. Apparently it was

something our mother read about at some point in time? Maybe in

an old Prevention magazine?

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