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Anyone used Considering God's Creation?


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I know this won't help you much, but I have the workbook and as soon as my TM gets here we're going to start.


The thing that really drew me to it was that I can do my own thing, while following some guidelines... Oh and my kids LOVE workbooks!!


I do have some Janice VanCleave books that I'm planning on using with it.

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I've used it in pieces. I used it for Astronomy two years ago and we're using for our Human Body unit right now. I love it as a spine. It gives us direction and my girls really love the notebooking pages. However, you will have to add reading on your own. For Astronomy I used an Usborne planets book (I don't remember the name of it now), and For the Human body we're using the Reader's Digest "How the Body Works."




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We use this as a stand alone science curriculum right now (we finished Apologia Swimming Creatures earlier than I planned). However I am only using it because I have it and can't afford to invest in any more curriculum at this point.


My children all enjoy Science but none of them have been thrilled with this one. They complain about doing it and think listening to the CD is torture. I personally like the CD. What I think is lacking for us is color. It is a simple thing yes, but very important to to the visual learners in my home. My DS has dyslexia and when anything is in black and white he considers it dull and his eyes glaze over.


Next year we will be using Apologia's General Science which is what I wish I had gone with this year!




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How are you liking 106 Days of Creation? That's on my wishlist. :001_smile:


Yes, I am enjoying it. All three kids do science together and it's easy enough for me to make it work for their ages. And it's very simple so I am able to add to it and not feel like we are running out of time.

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I'm using it right now as our only science curriculum. Mostly because I had it and cannot afford other curriculum right now. My son & I both like the notebook pages. I don't use the cd. I supplement with books from the library when I can. I would love a good Science Encyclopedia to go with this. I really like the "Detective" pages. They have Science Detective, Rock Detective, Weather Detective, etc. These could be used with any other science curriculum.


I'm really bad at doing science with my son, so this makes sure we do something. I love the biblical approach and some of the activities and the notebook pages. It has no color illustrations or photos, so I do feel the need to supplement, especially with science, when so much of it is visual.


It's a great spine. Not fluffy.


I'm planning on using it as an overview of different science topics over a year or two, then going more in-depth on some of the topics using God's Design For Science books.

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We bought it, tried it, hated it, and sold it a few years ago.




Sometimes, I wish more people would just reply this way. Honest, to the point.


Anyway, I came back to say, I love the way it fits with Jeannie Fulbright's books. When we did Astronomy the first time, I did not buy Apologia's astronomy book because I thought it was geared toward older kids. Looking back, I wish I had followed my gut. You could buy all her books and easily mesh CTC's notebooking with them.




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I had initially purchase CGC w/Galloping the Globe, but when I realized that GtG is not what I wanted for I us, I sold the rest and kept CGC (just in case).


I plan on using God's Design for Life by AiG, but will most likely supplement it w/songs and unique activities from CGC. Actually, I believe that I got the idea to use CGC as a supplement from Pylegang. :D

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