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What is your schedule like?

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What ages/grades are you looking for? This is our basic schedule using 4 days/week (5th day is usually field trip/ big project/ bonus day)


3rd Grade:

Daily - Math 30-40 minutes, Spelling 15 minutes, FLL3 15 minutes, WWE3 20-30 minutes, handwriting (learning/practicing cursive) 15 minutes,

K/1st Grade:

Daily - Math 30 minutes, Spelling 15 minutes, Code 15 minutes, FLL1 10 minutes, handwriting 10 minutes, OPG 10 minutes

preK4 :

Daily - Math 10 minutes, Code 10 minutes, OPG 10 minutes



History - SOTW 3 - 2 days a week for about 45-60 minutes each day

Science - 2 days a week - books one day, experiment other day

Spanish - 3 days a week - La Clase Divertida

Art - 1 day a week or more if we can, they love this

Piano/music - all 3 participate in choir every week and older two are taking piano weekly


We also have no tv time during the day so when they are done they find their own entertainment, usually reading, drawing or using their 30 minutes of computer time. HTH

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This is for my youngest three, as I give my high schooler more flexability. We do math first thing, then our other core subjects like grammar, spelling/vocabulary, Latin, and logic. We save after lunch for history/science. We do history three afternoons a week and science two afternoons a week.


We do art/music and catch up on Friday.

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I'm trying to get math done earlier in the day....I tend to put it off. I actually dislike it more than the kids:) But, I know they would benefit from doing it earlier when their minds are still "fresh" since it takes us the longest to complete (30-40 min). We usually start with spelling and then right into LA. I use workboxes (most days) so I try to mix it up a little.

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These 3 always happen first thing in the morning, in this order, every day. Devotions center her, and get her ready for her day. Vocab she likes to do on her own, so it's a little empowering. Math is next, because by now she is wide awake and at her best. Math in the afternoon tends to be a teary disaster, so we just make sure it happens in the morning when she's got her best math brain going.


The rest of the subjects can now be tackled in any order that works for us on that day.

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When my guys were little, I kept to 10-20 minute lessons for most things (not reading; they always loved to be read to). I gradually move that up to 30 minute lessons, then 45 minute to hour long lessons. We've always done math in the morning, when they seem to be more alert. We tend to just read mostly in the afternoons, after lunch (or do science projects/experiments).

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We do the math, reading and handwriting first thing after breakfast, from about 7.30-9.000am (or longer, if it takes longer lol). Mr 6.5 is just starting grade 1, so we are phasing in more stuff. He had his first music lesson today, we are beginning science next week, sotw the week after, and also Fitzroy Word Skills (grammar, punctuation and spelling). So our daily schedule will look something like this:


Every Day

7.30 Phonics/reading

8.00 Handwriting and/or word skills

8.30 Math

9.10 Piano practice

(The above will have 5 minute breaks as needed)


Days when we're home all day

9.30 Free play time or help make snack (if we're having muffins etc)

10.00 Morning tea

10.15 Outside time (gardening, exercise, general mucking around, followed by more inside play time if it's cold/wet or they don't feel like being outside that long. I also get washing hung out then.)

12.00 Lunch

12.30 Quiet hour

1.30 Afternoon school - either science or SOTW, followed by one other educational activity (art, craft, interest led stuff, whatever) according to my/children's whim that day

3-ish Afternoon snack if required

3.30 Kids are free to play, I finish up my jobs and start organizing the evening meal.


Some days we have sport, home ed meets, social or other commitments, excursions or whatever, so on those days we don't get through the whole lot. But I try to make sure we have a few days at home each week. We are pretty relaxed compared to some people, but it works well for us, and since we do school every day of the year, we can afford to space it out a bit more than those who only do 180 days or whatever the standard amount is.

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I have the odd schedule. We do long lessons.

One day a week my dd9 goes to an enrichment school.

Three to four days a week, she does French first for about an hour and half to two hours. Next she take a little break, gets something to eat and then does math for about an hour or more. She takes outside art classes for two hours once a week. She reads at night before bed for 1-4 hours (my little bookworm). I squeeze in writing, grammar, or vocabulary a couple of times a week. We do history, nature studies, geography and art once a week. And somewhere in there we work on copywork and memorization.


Our days aren't planned out very well other than the two things we do first. I keep a list of the things I want to accomplish and hit those throughout the week. We start working together around 10am although she usually has already completed her French by then. Some days we finish by one or two and other days we are still going on an afternoon project until bedtime. She likes having longer chunks of time for each subject and is much happier since we went away from short lessons.

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