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Feral cats and birthing

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I have been feeding three feral cats now for about 6 months. The two kittens allow me to pet them, hold them, etc. The mother has never let me touch her. The two kittens have been spayed (a lady took them and had it done) but not the mama. I noticed a few weeks ago she was pregnant. Yesterday, when she saw me she was crying incessantly and licking a lot. When I went to see her yesterday evening I found her back in the woods and when she saw me she got up and there was a tiny kitten underneath her. She became very agitated and I backed away. I left a box with towels inside hoping she would utilize it.


This morning when I went to see the cats they were all waiting to be fed. I checked the spot where the kitten was and it was gone and the box was empty. Also, the mom was clearly not with the kitten. Could it be that she just moved it? I would think that she would be with it - am I wrong? She ate a little bit but not much. I looked around for the kitten but could not find it. The area is very wooded (behind my son's preschool) and there is a family of six raccoons that shares the space as well. Any thoughts? Also, she still looks quite round. Do cats give birth all at once or could it be over a period of days?


Thanks for any information.



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It could be over days. I had a few cats do that, espcially if they were having a large liter. I had one deliver 8 over about 2 and half days. That poor kitty took hours to deliver each one. I brought her food and water and kept a heat lamp on her (it was a snowy december in a shed).


And yes, they will leave the nest briefly to eat and such. If the kittens survived, I can promise you they aren't very far away. She typically won't go further than she can hear them, which is further than you think.


Poor thing. You might try cracking your garage door just enough that she could slip in and hide in there? She probably won't, but she might to seek warmth and security. Growing up, I always had a liter of kitties behind either the dryer or the the furnace. Used to infuriate my parents, but I didn't care.

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Can you post on craigslist if there is a cat trap/neuter/release (TNR) program in your area?


This is what is done with feral cats here. Humane traps are set, volunteers check them every few hours (esp during kitten season). If mom is feral feral feral, kittens are hand raised, & bottle fed by volunteers & adopted out. Mom is spayed and released. This is the only way to stop this cycle & keep feral cat colonies from becoming a huge problem. (btw, the traps are often baited with the roast chicken you get hot from grocery stores.... apparently it's irresistible:)) If mom turns out to be not truly feral (many ferals are just scared former pets who put on a big aggressive show), she is adopted out too.



As for this cat, she may have made a nest, she may be still labouring, or she may have committed infanticide. You'd have to camp out with binocs or a camera zoom & observe for long periods to see what's going on.


Absolutely provide a shelter - dog houses, dog crates, rubbermaid box with polar fleece. She may or may not use it though.....


But ultimately, she needs to be trapped & spayed as do the kittens.

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