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how much seat work for 1st grader?

Guest mjw13

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Guest mjw13

How much seat work does your 1st grader do? We get done with math, Latin, reading and copywork in an hour and I'm wondering if that's enough. It just feels strange! Throughout the day we also do bible stories (during snack), she practices piano, reads for fun, and often a chapter in Story of the World -- both girls think that's "fun" ,not actual school work, and ask to do it after dinner.


Just wondering how long the at the desk type work takes for others with similar aged children.




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My 6 yo dd is in 1st grade. She does Latin with us (1hr) and then math, copywork, reading, grammar and history with us. It all takes about 3 hrs.

Next year she'll do more reading and I'm adding Greek and French (she does very well with the languages....)

I also feel like she could do more, but she does play a lot with our youngest. She does a lot more work than the older 2 did at her age!

I ws thinking you might want to spend more time on the reading and Latin. What level reading is she at? Have you tried reading in tandem? She reads a bit and then you read a bit?

This is our breakdown for her:

Latin 1hr daily

Math (Saxon 2) 1/2-1hr daily

Copywork 15 mins daily

memory work (of the copywork) 5 mins daily

reading 20min-1/2 hr daily

grammar or phonics 10-15 mins daily

history 45min -1hr (2x a week)

science 1hr weekly (reading)

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Hmm - that is currently between 30 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the day. We do math and handwriting or copy work. Somedays she does "reports" which she enjoys and will spend an hour on. I don't count reading as actual seat work because sometimes it is done hanging upside down. She usually stands for any memory work and cuddles anytime I am reading.


1/2 hour to 1 1/2 hours is the answer, but the average is 45 minutes for time that requires her bottom in a seat and a pencil in or near her hand. Although, last week she did do her math standing next to the table but that probably still counts as "seat" work. Maybe I need more coffee before I try to give answers today.

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and any amount of time after that and it's like pulling teeth to get ds to focus! We usually break that hour into smaller chunks anyway. Math takes about 30 min, then we break for 10. Then sometimes he'll read for 15-20 min. Then another break. Next, if he even obliges, we do copywork/handwriting or SWO. But, its even been a while since he's done that. It is all I can do to get math and reading done. On a good day...an hour.

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Guest mjw13

Thanks for all the help! I feel better about it now... it really is hard to get away from the "school schedule mentality."


To fishnoises:

Thanks for posting your schedule. That was helpful...She's reading well, for oral reading she's been working her way through McGuffey, she's now on the 4th reader. For her own pleasure reading, right now she's reading the Happy Little Family series.

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He's sort of in limbo between K and 1.


We do Math, Reading, Phonics, Handwriting, Greek, and math drill- It takes us 1.5 hours. But that includes a break for a few minutes in between each subject and interruptions from my younger dd. My son is doing great and getting an excellent foundation with lots of review on the basics. So I'm happy.


Next year however, when he's really in 1, it'll be almost 2 hours, including reading practice.


The only thing I'm wondering is if towards the end of the year at least, maybe your dd should be getting a little more grammar and memory - First Language Lessons might be a great addition for you guys, and it only will add 20 minutes or less to your day. I don't think you have to run out and buy it right this second, but maybe to consider that.

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We do about 1-1/2 hours of actual, in-your-seat work each day. Daily we do math, reading, spelling, science and grammar (FLL). History and Latin 3x per week so that would be extra time added on in the afternoon. On the days that we have difficulty remembering what 6+6 is or when EVERYTHING is a distraction, she can spend up to 2-1/2 hours in her seat, though not all at one time! ;)

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I take about an hour and a half in the mornings with my 6 yr old 1st grader to cover English, Arabic and math. After lunch he sits with us to do history or science, he's usually good for another hour or so before he just poops out, lol. He also has an Arabic/Qur'an class at the masjid four nights a week that lasts for about an hour and a half. So I guess three segments of an hour to an hour and a half a day of sitting down, with long breaks of an hour to two hours in between.

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That's very similar to us here as well for actual seatwork. We do math, Latin, phonics & reading, copywork, and memory work (poetry/bible verses) in 60-75 minutes each morning.


We will add spelling and grammar when he's in 2nd grade (and/or doing 2nd grade work which will probably be mid-year).


We do lots of other things throughout the day but it's not really seatwork (history, science, literature, art appreciation, hands-on art, PE, music appreciation).


It can go amazingly fast can't it?

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That sounds just fine to me as well. My k'er does about 45 minutes per day herself, and sits in on history and science. My 2nd grader does about 1 1/2 hours a day, plus history and science.


Next year for dd for 1st grade, here is the plan:




Getty Dubay Italics

Horizons Math


I'm guessing that will be around an hour a day for her. Then she will do Song School Latin, SOTW, R.E.A.L Science: Life, music and Nature study with her older brother. That will be up to another hour. So total school will be about 2 to 2 and a half hours a day for her (including read alouds).


So I think what you are doing looks just great. :001_smile:

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