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Videos about Ancient Greece?

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Are there any videos about Ancient Greece that my 5 year old might like? I'm thinking specifically about stories taking place during that period, but an educational film would be good too:) Older movies are fine (we have a great library system where I can find most anything).


My husband's less-than-helpful (and joking) suggestions were Troy and 300. Hmm... yeah, I don't think so;)

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How about the 1963 version of Jason & the Argonauts? Some of the special effects (especially the fighting skeleton scene!) have a realism that puts modern computer graphics to shame! DS watched the Netflix disk so many times I finally bought him his own for Christmas. :)


It's this one:




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Schlessinger Media has a video called "Ancient Greece" which is very enjoyable. Our library has it. I don't think they sell it anymore but I could be wrong. It is part of a series called "Ancient Civilizations for Children". That same series has a video called "Ancient Agean".


I bet there are videos with Aesop's Fables.


:iagree: Dd loved those! We watched them again and again and.... and then we ran out of library renewals:D

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