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My husband is leaving me!

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No, not really. Don't panic. Our marriage is strong and happy. It's just that he's been working from home for the past...8 years I think?...and I'm used to having him here. Now he's found a really good deal on an office "elsewhere"...like in a real office building with other actual office types. These past few days he's been slowly moving things out there and has not been around. The house feels funny without him stuffed back in his little office, ready to pop out any minute and interrupt math right at the critical point where she's almost got it but not quite and now I have to start over with the explaining. And we can't just pop in and interrupt important client phone calls with "Dad look what I made" either. I really think it's going to be a good thing for all concerned...but it just feels WEIRD!


I'm not looking for anything from you guys, just needed a place to whine about it for a minute. Thanks.

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Amy, I don't 'know' you, but I'm very relieved that your husband isn't *really leaving you. :001_smile:


I'm sure it'll be an adjustment having him work out of the house. My dh's long term goal is to have his own business, and work from home. I love my dh to bits, but I think when that day comes, it'll be a big adjustment for all of us; he works out of the house at a regular 9-5 type office-y job right now.


Look at it this way; while it'll be an adjustment, it's not as bad as him *really leaving. :D

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Thanks. Sorry if I freaked anyone out. I know it could be worse, and I'm really not miserable about it...actually I am. But I'm also very, very happy...lol. Gah! I swear there are days when I wish the whole lot of 'em would go off to work and to school like "normal" people and let me have an hour just to get this dang house clean. But when they're not here, I sure do miss them. And I will definitely miss the instantaneous adult conversation. But on the other hand, the days he has been out most of the day, our routines here do go more smoothly. It's an adjustment.


I guess I will have to stop joking about him having an affair with that girl at the office...

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No no no. This is very serious! I know; my husband's office is directly across from our schoolroom.


Remember, change is good. A chance to grow. (OK, I just rolled my eyes at myself while typing that! :D ) But I do believe it. After I'm done being sarcastic with myself.


Don't know how it works for you, but I do accomodate my husband's "moving" schedule for lunch, etc. When he's away for a week, it is interesting to me how we can actually keep a routine. Maybe that'll happen for you too?


Regardless, :grouphug:.


P.S. Let him dress himself for the office. With zero intervention from you. He will have no affair with any girl at the office. ;)

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No no no. This is very serious! I know; my husband's office is directly across from our schoolroom.


Remember, change is good. A chance to grow. (OK, I just rolled my eyes at myself while typing that! :D ) But I do believe it. After I'm done being sarcastic with myself.


Don't know how it works for you, but I do accomodate my husband's "moving" schedule for lunch, etc. When he's away for a week, it is interesting to me how we can actually keep a routine. Maybe that'll happen for you too?


Regardless, :grouphug:.


P.S. Let him dress himself for the office. With zero intervention from you. He will have no affair with any girl at the office. ;)



Yeah, I think it will be good. I'm just feeling lonely today. Also, Aspie ds does not deal well with change, so we are getting zero school work out of him today. None. Zip. Nada. (So far. Maybe this it will get better, though we're running out of time. I've not yet threatened him with Saturday school, but it may come to that.) I sent him up to his room until he could speak to me in a pleasant tone of voice. I wonder how long that will be...


I do think we'll be able to be a little less "spontaneous" with our routines, which should mean that more gets done in less time, and that will be a good thing.


I have never dressed him. He is a grown man, and I refuse to be his mother. It is very difficult for a woman to be both a man's mother and his wife and I pick wife, and I've told him so before when he wants me to run his life for him. Not me, no sir! You get to make your OWN choices, buddy and you get to take all the responsibility, blame, and/or credit for having done so. ;)


:) He wouldn't have an affair at the office anyway, we just have this running joke about me being the girl at the office (since the office was at home and I sometimes pitch in and help out) and when he smooches me he'd better not let his wife see...it's totally all in fun.

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Glad it's not *that* kind of leaving. We recently began a saga of Daddy "working from home" and it's nice to know that can continue to be a positive thing for a long haul!:D


It can! It was a bit of an adjustment when he came home too, but we've enjoyed the arrangment. He just was feeling like he wanted to be in a more professional, less distracting atmosphere for a while because it had gotten too easy for him to come play with us instead of working and since he works for himself there wasn't much accountability. And his friend is giving him a good deal on a month-to-month basis so if he doesn't like it he can come back home again. (I must admit I have begun eyeing his home office space with a predatory gleam in my eye. I will not make any moves to pounce on it until he's sure he wants to stay at the other place, but it may gradually get taken over by...hmmm...school? Sewing? Library space? So many possibilities!

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I have never dressed him. He is a grown man, and I refuse to be his mother. It is very difficult for a woman to be both a man's mother and his wife and I pick wife, and I've told him so before when he wants me to run his life for him. Not me, no sir! You get to make your OWN choices, buddy and you get to take all the responsibility, blame, and/or credit for having done so. ;)



I noticed when I was still working that the dorky guys in my office always looked better once married. What were these new wives doing???!!! My husband occasionally has to go to the office 2 hrs. away. I have to bite my tongue often when I see how he's leaving to go to "work." I always have a quick laugh after he heads off that no woman will likely make a pass at him that day. (And if she does, it's because she sees his real qualities, not the facade). And yes, my husband is definitely a dorky guy. And I was a dorky girl. Still am. :tongue_smilie:


Good luck with your transition!!

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Man...you had me worried there for a second! Since I've had a few little chats with you on here, you're one of those that I feel like I *know* a bit, (even though I don't!) :) But my heart sank when I read the title and saw that it was you. So glad that it's not the real thing!


Hope your adjustment goes well! And hey, having him stop & pick things up on his way home from work just might make it all worth it.

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