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Children with cell phones...

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Our 14 year old has a cell. We like it... it was our idea. She's with us half time and it's good for all of the reasons I've seen on the thread.As long as she has it in her pocket.... we can find her if there's ever a problem. If she was texting too much... we'd talk to her. I have made it clear, that it's her phone... but at any point I can scroll through anything on it. (And I do...) Same thing with anything that is hers....



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We were given a cell phone by a friend, a pay as you go.


Unfortunately, we didn't keep putting minutes on it, so what was prepaid on it is now gone.


Its just now that Wolf has been saying that we need to get minutes for it, and get it going again, so he can take it to work, in case of a home emergency.


I don't see Diva getting one anytime soon. She just doesn't have that many activities that Wolf isn't there with her (I don't drive) or that we don't know when it ends, etc.


When we get to that point, we'll get one for her, as I do consider it an emergency tool.


She knew a cpl of girls in the neighbourhood that got them when they were 10. These girls don't have any activities, etc...They just whined and begged for them til their parents gave in (I know, because they told Diva to do the same, and I heard the conversation from my upstairs window).


I don't see getting it for any of my kids as a fashion/culture statement. Tool yes, 'coolness' no.

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I got my first cell phone at age 26. Gee, however did we manage all those years without it?


I think that's one difference, especially for kids who are not home schooled. My little neighborhood school had several payphones. Parks had them, gas stations, restaurants.


My kids don't have cell phones and do fine, but I do think that's a factor for many people. I have friends who complain that when their children stay after school for a project or sporting event, there are no phones to call when they are ready to come home. I do think it is different in that respect.

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We gave ds my old phone in 2nd grade. We would never have done this, but one day I didn't know that school let out at 1, and he just stood in the parking lot waiting for me. About 40 minutes later, one of the parents of a classmate saw him and took him to the office. They called me and told me what happened. He never would have gone to the office himself or asked for help from anyone, so we decided to give him the phone so he could call if anything like this happened again. He never used it, except to call Nana and Pop Pop if we were on a trip. Now that he is homeschooled he doesn't have one. He uses mine if he wants to make a call when we are not at home. His cousin got one when he started walking home from school in 3rd grade for safety reasons. That was when ds started to not want to hang out with him anymore - he became boring because he spent most of his time texting.

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I'd really like to see how they measured this.


Children have had terrible grammar for years. I don't think you can blame it on cell phones. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that grammar and writing isn't taught well at school


Read The Dumbest Generation. It is very clear regarding studies showing a decrease in writing ability and a general attitude of me-ness that is taking over the teenage generation due to electronic devices. The ability to instantly, constantly interact with peers has never been available to the degree it is today, and kids aren't generally the better for it.

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I think that's one difference, especially for kids who are not home schooled. My little neighborhood school had several payphones. Parks had them, gas stations, restaurants.

So true! DS was away a couple of days last week and his phone went flat. He couldn't find a payphone and had to borrow a strangers phone to tell us what train he would be on.


I'm neither pro nor anti phones for kids. They are a tool and we use them when needed. One kid has a phone and the others will get them when they need them. He isn't a big texter and he has to pay his own bill out of his pocket money.


I don't get the high horses against them to be honest. So some kids have them and some don't. Big deal. Whatever works for your family is great.

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but most things kids (and adults) have are unneccesary. :D My kids can have one when they can (or choose to) pay for it themselves. My hubby and I both have one, and if a child is going to be out at night, I usually let him use mine. I really don't care if other kids have a cell phone, but what really irritates me is how addicted everyone seems to be to them.


Put your ding-dang phone down for 2 seconds and pay attention to those around you. You WILL NOT die!!!!!! :angry:


Ahh, now I feel better! :D

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