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Q for Hive Mind: Crazy Water Bill

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I just called my husband the plumber and he said to turn off all of the water in your house. Go out to your water meter and if the usage indicator dial is turning at all, then you have a leak somewhere.Good Luck!


Thank you! That was very nice of you to go to the effort to do that--and what a great idea (that I never would have thought of!).

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If you have crawl space under your house, someone can crawl under there and look for wet spots. Do you have any dripping faucets or tubs? Those can add up fast like the toilets.


Do you have any out buildings that have water run to them (Like a barn?)? I would check those as well. My uncle had a water bill skyrocket as well once and turns out his horse was turning the water faucet on. Since my cousins were feeding the animals in the morning they never thought to tell him that the water was on when they went out.


If you can't find anything else, I would ask the city to come back out. Once when I was in college we had a bill do that. We did have a huge leak under the house we were renting but our bill stayed high even after the repair. Turns out our meter was running too fast as well and a new meter had to be installed.

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Sometimes the city will estimate our usage one month and then come out and read it the next month. Their estimates were low so we end up having a larger bill some months.


Just look at past bills and it will either say estimate or there will be a date and the actual reading.

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