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Classical Conv: Should I even consider it for K?


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There's an information meeting tomorrow night for a CC group that starting in our area (or, maybe, just checking for interest). I don't think I would consider it for my 8th & 6th graders next year because we're already trucking along fine. However, I'll also have a K.


Should I consider CC for K? I've read threads here off and on but didn't pay as much attention as I would have if it had been an option for us. I've taught K twice, so I'm not concerned about that. I guess I feel like I should be open to looking at CC (since it is classical after all), but I also don't feel like we have an overwhelming need.


Yeah...feeling wishy-washy. Thoughts, anyone?

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Okay, I'm a big fan here so take that into consideration. I'd say go to the meeting and get an idea of what it's about. CC is not about teaching your child the 3 R's. The Foundations program (which is what your K'er would be enrolled in) has 3 cycles of memory work that are covered over a 3 yr. period. Your child would attend class 1 a wk. for 24 wks. (12 in fall, 12 in spring) and learn facts that cover Latin, English grammar, history, geography, and Science. She'll also do an experiment, fine art project, and learn the Veritas Press history timeline. Hopefully, it will be drilled in a fun way and she'll walk away with "pegs" of info to be fleshed out at home.


We've enjoyed it for the past couple of years on many levels. I appreciate the memory work and fun, Christian atmosphere. We have a wonderful community so my satisfaction has gone beyond what the CC guide has to offer:) We have made some dear friends.


If you are happy, have a community that you enjoy, and don't feel the need to add memory work or extra activities, you might not be led to join. There are lots of opinions here about CC and I'd say the most important thing is for you to know what you are getting into. I have read about people's dissatisfaction and some of it stems from a misunderstanding of what CC is offering or a poorly directed program. An info meeting is your best bet in avoiding those two problems.



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I'd say the most important thing is for you to know what you are getting into. I have read about people's dissatisfaction and some of it stems from a misunderstanding of what CC is offering or a poorly directed program. An info meeting is your best bet in avoiding those two problems.




Thanks! Are there any particular questions I should ask at the meeting? Also, what do you think are some of the most important issues I need to understand about CC?

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I'd have to say... that at 5 yrs old, your tutor makes ALL the difference... as well as the Director. Have coffee with the director:-) If the tutor is there... talk with her. As a parent, do you want your daughter to obey? Do you want her to learn to raise her hand? Work out problems with others? Do you want to deal with attitudes that are wrong? If so...

Does it seem like she'll like to be in a class? CC can be VERY fun for little kids, if they are willing to be cooperative, do art projects, science projects, singing different songs;-)

I think that Challenge, for older students.. can be a great thing. Your olders have each other... Perhaps Challenge will end up working for your younger... It's a great way for them to have some others to interact with. We just were going over Challenge this wknd and I really am excited to see if God moves in our community.. and we end up with a full Challenge program. ( I direct in Oregon:-)



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Hopefully you'll get a feel for the director at the meeting. Is she organized? What kind of leader do you think she'll be? Is she receptive to your questions and thoughtful in her answers? Our director is wonderful. I like that she is thorough, organized, prayerful, and, not only focused on having a great CC community, she also desires to build a strong community of Christian families. IME, the director sets the tone.


As far as the "what you are getting in to," just know that CC is not a typical co-op. It's not meant to be stand alone. It's not meant to take the place of any subjects you are doing. It is literally carefully chosen memory work from various subjects. The idea is that children can and, hopefully, will memorize the information for future use. What you do with it in the mean time is up to you.


I love CC because the memory work is well chosen imo. The kids love it because they have fun, have made and see their new friends regularly, and get a chance for recess/p.e. with others.


Oh! Are they having an open house? That is the best way to get a feel. Surely they'll have one if they're offering an info meeting right now. If not, definitely ask for a visit. You and our dd can go sit in on a class. She'll get to participate right along with the other students. You're likely to see the same families and children next year should you choose to sign up.

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I'd have to say... that at 5 yrs old, your tutor makes ALL the difference...



:iagree: I'd be reluctant to commit yet for a 5 year old until you are sure who the tutor will be. I only think CC is worth the $$ at that age if there is a great tutor, and sometimes those decisions aren't settled until over the summer.


If I were you, I'd spend a morning there visiting all the classes, taking note of the tutor's names and meeting other moms. That way, if you're told a certain person has been switched to the 5 year old class for next year you'll have a better idea of whether it is a good fit for you. IME the same person rarely tutors the same grade each year, and tutors come and go each year.


Good luck!

Edited by homeschoolally
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I agree that it definitely depends on the tutor. Our Abecedarian (K4/5 age level) tutor is a mother of 10 and very organized, with realistic expectations for a class of that age and great classroom control. My 5yo loves it and is learning a lot.


Case in point - we were at a Persian restaurant and introduced our children to the owner, a friend of ours. His name is Qayum Mohammed. My son thought for a minute and said, "wait... Mohammed as in the founder of Islam?!" The owner and my husband were both floored. I was proud that a 5yo was starting to make those connections and that a framework of knowledge was already started in his little brain.

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Well, yes it would change my opinion. We joined a brand new group for this past year, which was also our first year doing CC. I am tutoring the 3/4 grade, and all of us tutors were brand spanking new. After seeing the tutor for our 4/5 years olds, I would never, never, never pay money to put my littles in there. She just repeated stuff over and over again, the kids could not have cared less, and she never really engaged their attention with it. Yes, the tutors are supposed to be the drill sergeants, but still--they are 4 and 5 year old kids. She just kept erasing words off the white board, yet none of her kids could read, so . . . not a real effective way of keeping interest! Anyhow, she has had a lot of discipline problems in her class, and I think it is because they are all bored silly. Maybe if she were not a brand new tutor, she would have had more experience and done a little better.


I don't have anyone in her class, although I do have kids in all the other levels, and they have certainly gotten a lot of benefit out of it. But for the money you spend, I would just wait until 3rd grade to start, to be honest. I don't think it all that worth it for the younger ones.

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I agree and disagree w/some of the posts. Our community was brand new last year and I was happy w/the tutors. Some excelled for first timers and, overall, everyone put their heart in it. I am currently tutoring (it's my first year as a tutor) 5-6 yr. olds and that dry erase trick never crossed my mind since my kiddos can't read. Not having readers makes drilling info challenging but I think I do a good job. The parents are pleased so I guess I'm getting by:D I wasn't perfect. There was a learning curve but I always came prepared and learned from my mistakes. It's a balance between doing too little and doing too much.


Go to the meeting, ask lots of questions - do you have tutors lined up? who would be tutoring my dd's class? she's not a reader. is that a problem (the answer is no but ask to begin the discussion), how many families do you have registered? is there anyone that is going to be part of the community that has done CC before? could I speak with dd's tutor before I sign up (the odds are no since she probably doesn't have that solidified yet but ask! - maybe you could put off signing up until you can speak with the tutor).


New director's have a big job ahead of them. If, for instance, you signed up and your tutor was doing activities that required reading, you should talk w/the tutor. If things didn't improve, talk to the director. I only relay this type of scenario to help you visualize what your director might be like. I know it's hard just from an info meeting but, hopefully, you can get a feel.

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I would agree that it depends on the tutor. For that age it is hit or miss. Given that it will be a new program, I know tutors are probably not even lined up yet. If you are on the fence, I would wait a year. It is really a great program, but that first experience in the youngest class could sour you and your child on it for the future. Just my opinion.

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:iagree: I'd be reluctant to commit yet for a 5 year old until you are sure who the tutor will be. I only think CC is worth the $$ at that age if there is a great tutor, and sometimes those decisions aren't settled until over the summer.


If I were you, I'd spend a morning there visiting all the classes, taking note of the tutor's names and meeting other moms. That way, if you're told a certain person has been switched to the 5 year old class for next year you'll have a better idea of whether it is a good fit for you. IME the same person rarely tutors the same grade each year, and tutors come and go each year.


Good luck!

:iagree:Totally with this! I am weighing whether to do this again with a 7 yo next year. In our CC, she was JUST moved to a different class 2 weeks ago because of additional kids in the younger class that caused a domino effect in our class. Until then, I was ready to quit. Our tutor was a 1st timer who was too laid back (though very nice & trying hard), and the kids were young (5s and early 6s, inc. some ADD boys). Our new tutor has a couple years experience, and lots of good classroom management skills. Honestly, I do not think this is a program that works well for younger kids (4's and 5's). Yes, they probably enjoy it, but the material & presentation is not geared to that age. I don't think I would be willing to pay the $ for what they are getting. I'd say wait until they are reading and mature enough to participate in a class like situation. And DEFINITELY you need to see a class in action. I did last year (I saw 2 different groups and sat in on 3 classes) and it still turned out to be different than I expected. I saw that you posted later that this is a new group. I would give them a year to get it going and then check it out. The tutors will then have some experience. I would not want to spend my $ on a new group, honestly. Its a big chunk of time, too, so consider that this is your whole day (with lunch & recess, we're done about 1pm, so we get home about 1:30). Just my 2 cents :) (I am not a tutor or director, just a mom sitting in the back of the room.)


BTW, they probably won't have tutors assigned until very late, possibly right before it starts because they have to know how many kids so they can balance out the classes (8 in a class). So you may not have the luxury of waiting to know who your tutor will be.

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Thanks everyone! I ended up not going to the meeting. I appreciate your help! I might consider it in the future, but I don't really feel drawn to it right now. (This is how I felt in the beginning too, but then I started thinking that I should at least consider it....) This feeling + your responses = passing (at least for now).


I really appreciate your help! Thanks! :)

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