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A Book-A-Month/12 Books a Year ~ February

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What book did you read last month? Share which book(s) you read, what books you plan to read or link your blog with thoughts on your reading.

Comments about the book, what you got out of it, and recommendations good bad or otherwise are always welcome, but not necessary.

What I read in January: The Road by Cormac McCarthy and The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister

I started The Road before Christmas, got side tracked by the School of Essential Ingredients and finished reading both books. I enjoyed reading something just for myself.


I wasn't and English major in college, but I wrote a brief review of both books anyway.



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I ended up reading two, so can I bank one to the future when I have a bad month and don't get to read at all? :D


OK, Outliers was the first. I basically felt compelled to read a second book because this one was a little thin. Good, easy read about how timing and practice make for some extraordinary individuals. That's a lousy synopsis, but I haven't had coffee.


The second one I read was The Einstein Syndrome. It was assigned reading from my son's potential speech therapist (if there's ever an opening on the schedule!). It's an interesting read about how some late talking children share a host of characteristics including being generally to quite bright. Some of the family tales told in the book are quite amazing.

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..."of the Source".


The Shack wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. My mom read it and LOVED it and recommended it to me. I can get past the fact that it's not "theologically correct" -- I see it as allegorical, and that's fine. It just didn't hold my attention. I did really like the part where Mack went to the gathering of the "auras" though. It sounded beautiful.


Lost in the Labyrinth by Patrice Kindl

I read it aloud to EK (my 15yo dd who LOVES to be read to). I think this one is really a Young Adult/Teen book, but I read it, so I'm counting it! It was one of the selections I chose for our study of Ancient History, and we read it as an accompaniment to our unit on the Minoans. It was interesting, although a bit slow in places. And it had a sad ending -- depressing, actually -- but it was worth reading.


I've barely started In Search of the Source by Neil Anderson. It's the (true) story of a family who goes to Papua New Guinea to live with natives in order to immerse themselves in the language and culture of the tribe in order to translate the Bible into their language. Amazon reviewers gave it an average of 5 stars, and it does look like it's going to be interesting.

Edited by ereks mom
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I read:




They were all great, believe it or not. :) Right now I'm reading:


Washington: The Indispensable Man by James Thomas Flexner

Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...in You and Your Kids by Scott Turanksy

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I've read:

Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

Stones into Schools by Greg Mortenson


I've reviewed all but Farewell to Arms and Pirate Latitudes on my blog (linked in my signature).


My favorite was Stones into Schools.

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