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Preparing a schedule for TOG


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I am heavily researching, and may use TOG, and am interested in tips for arranging/organizing the weekly units into a daily schedule.


I have downloaded and been studying the 3-week sample every spare moment I get. I am at the point where I am really starting to understand the different components but, would really appreciate any insight or info on how to plan it out for daily use.


Can you share with me how you organize TOG as far as spreadsheets, planners, or share any organizing tips.


If it makes any difference, I would be starting it with my daughter at age 7/grade 1, using Year 1 DE.


Thank you.



(And if my good friend/ soon-to-be TOG user is reading this (you know who you are! :)), I posted here so I could give you a break from my many TOG questions that you have so patiently and graciuosly answered!!!)

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I am heavily researching, and may use TOG, and am interested in tips for arranging/organizing the weekly units into a daily schedule.


I have downloaded and been studying the 3-week sample every spare moment I get. I am at the point where I am really starting to understand the different components but, would really appreciate any insight or info on how to plan it out for daily use.


Can you share with me how you organize TOG as far as spreadsheets, planners, or share any organizing tips.


If it makes any difference, I would be starting it with my daughter at age 7/grade 1, using Year 1 DE.


I've never used TOG with a Lower Grammar student, but I can tell you how I plan my Upper Grammer & Dialectic. They begin their history reading over the weekend, particularly my dialectic student, since there is so much to read. On Mondays they read and complete the mapwork. Tuesdays is more reading and my dialectic dd starts her accountability questions (you don't have to worry about that). Wednesday is reading and beginning their hands-on project. Thursday is reading and project, as well as literature worksheet. Friday is quiz day for my UG son, and discussion day for my Dialectic dd. They also finish their project if not already done.


I input their assignments into Skedtrack (free homeschool scheduling program) and they check off as they finish. If we do a read-aloud, it happens while the kids eat lunch.


I'm sure someone will chime in with a schedule for LG, but at least you can get an idea of it from ours.

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Thank you, Elinor.


I appreciate seeing how you plan/break up the assignments daily.

I am needing to see other's "order of things" to really clarify how TOG is implemented daily. I've got all the components of TOG fairly organized in my mind, I just need some examples of how it plays out daily.

I sure am hoping that someone doing LG can share as well.


I have not heard of Skedtrack, I'll check that out. Thank you.

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I don't like to plan each day out because if one thing gets missed, it usually ends up fouling up plans for the rest of the week. I started using a check box approach. I have space for each category within TOG, like history readings, history activities, literature, writing, religion/worldview, geography... I have lines under each category with check boxes. Over the weekend, I fill in each area with what I want to cover from that week unit. I have a seperate sheet set up the same way for our other subjects like math, science, etc. We aim for the reading in the beginning of the week, and we don't do a new activity every week. We like to pick a bigger project and work on it for a few weeks and do notebooking pages. I find this method works well for us, and if we decide to take more than a week it doesn't throw us off.

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Dana, thanks so much for sharing this.

I can really visualize what you are saying and it makes great sense to me.

I was planning to take one of the weeks from one of the sample units to actually plan out as if I were actually going to use TOG---to see if I could pull it off. I think I may give your method a go.

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Have you seen the sample schedules on the TOG site?




They might help.





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey



Janice, thank you.


For some reason, all the links for all the levels for weeks 1-3 (Year-1 links) are broken. I can't view those sample schedules at all, I just get some type of error page. And of course those would be best to view since I have all of the 3 week samples downloaded!

I wonder if anyone else is having trouble viewing the weeks 1-3 schedule sample?

Edited by Wildwood
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Have you asked over on the TOG boards? There are usually pretty good about helping out with that kind of thing. If you don't get an answer, I would check in with their customer service on Monday; they're very helpful folks.





Thank you, Janice.

I will take your advice and check over there.

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Here are 2 examples of schedules we've used with TOG. One is a lighter, weekly schedule, and the other is a 2TOG week = 3-calendar weeks with more time for older students to dig deeper.




Thank you, Tina.

I just took a quick peek at the link and I look forward to settling in with a cup of coffee to read over your blog.

It's really very helpful for me to be able to see how others use/plan their time.

Thanks so much.

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I have never done LG, but our UG weekly schedule typically looks like this:


MONDAY - Introduce new theme. Go over student threads and SAP's, discussing anything I find to be useful from T.N.'s that apply to dd's learning level.


Literature/History/Bible reading assignments given. Dd writes this down in her weekly schedule pages. (For LG, you will need to help with this so the reading is broken down to daily assignments.) A good hour is spent reading on this day after assignments are given.


Composition - Give weekly assignment from TOG weekly suggestions, using Writing Aids as guide. (We also slip in Writing Strands from time to time.)


Vocabulary - Dd and I look through the vocabulary list, noting any words that are unfamiliar on a list. Dd looks for these during reading time.


TUESDAY - Dd spends about an hour reading her assigned pages, and also continues with her composition assignment. (LG students might use this time for related copywork or dictation exercises, as well as other penmanship practice.)


WEDNESDAY - TOG discussion related to week's theme, sometimes including supplemental info from TOG website. (Our mid-week discussion is most often from the T.N.'s) Dd then continues on for about an hour with assigned reading, or we have time for reading aloud. This is then followed by a check-in on weekly writing project, and time given to continue unfinished work.


Geography - Every Wednesday we work on the TOG maps together. (Most often I display the teacher's map <Map Aid's> on the screen of my laptop, and we explore the lay of the land and then color the map/maps with colored pencils. Often times we go over various atlas information or go online together to see suggestions from the TOG website.


THURSDAY - Same as Tuesday in many ways. Dd spends an hour reading her assigned pages, and also continues with her composition assignment. (LG students might use this time for related copywork or dictation exercises, as well as other penmanship practice.) We try to go over the vocabulary words that were noted on this day as well.


Hands-on projects - After lunch we spend a chunk of time on art related projects connected to our unit/week plus we do the weekly lapbook project.


FRIDAY - All reading must be finished by lunchtime. We have a short discussion on the literature assignments and dd completes the SAP worksheet.


Please note that this schedule is for TOG related studies only. We also fit in all other subjects on specific days. (Mon-Fri includes math, grammar, spelling, Latin, etc. Mon & Wws include science co-op, and Fri includes art class.


I think that a LG student's schedule could be somewhat similar to this, but without as much independent work.


We LOVE our TOG studies! Dd and I are both learning more this year than ever before.




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Thank you so much for taking the time to share all of the specific details of your schedule. I am finding it to be very helpful to really organize TOG in my brain, and helpful in seeing that I may actually be able to pull this off!


Thank you everyone for taking the time to share, it is very much appreciated.

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I am heavily researching, and may use TOG, and am interested in tips for arranging/organizing the weekly units into a daily schedule.


I have downloaded and been studying the 3-week sample every spare moment I get. I am at the point where I am really starting to understand the different components but, would really appreciate any insight or info on how to plan it out for daily use.


Can you share with me how you organize TOG as far as spreadsheets, planners, or share any organizing tips.


If it makes any difference, I would be starting it with my daughter at age 7/grade 1, using Year 1 DE.




Thank you.



(And if my good friend/ soon-to-be TOG user is reading this (you know who you are! :)), I posted here so I could give you a break from my many TOG questions that you have so patiently and graciuosly answered!!!)


:blush: Hey you, you know I answer whatever I can and know about no problem and research whatever I don't have answers for for you. I am glad to see that you posted on schedules though since you know we haven't started yet therefore we have not started any kind of scheduling yet. You know how I am with schedules though and I will share whatever I do with you when we start some time in the fall and if you have decided to go with TOG by then of course ;). E-mail you later :D!

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