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At what ages do kids typically have major growth spurts?

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I got one that increasingly is eating the contents of my pantry. We're baking daily for him to try and keep him full but it's a challenge.


He's 4.5.


My ds eats a ridiculous amount, though I found that he feels full for longer if we make him eat more protein and not so much carbs. He has eggs daily. We also eat a lot of peanutbutter and beans or lentils at lunch. I have also been known to fry up some meat for him when he's having a really hungry day or open a can of tuna. He's lactose intolerant or we'd be also giving him cheese and yoghurt.

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My ds eats a ridiculous amount, though I found that he feels full for longer if we make him eat more protein and not so much carbs. He has eggs daily. We also eat a lot of peanutbutter and beans or lentils at lunch. I have also been known to fry up some meat for him when he's having a really hungry day or open a can of tuna. He's lactose intolerant or we'd be also giving him cheese and yoghurt.

my son is allergic to milk. He's not getting the cheese and milk I bet that's why I feel a bit overwhelmed with his hungries.

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My just turned 12dd is in a growth spurt. She is eating everything in sight. She is allergic to lots of things (dairy, eggs, nuts, beans, and more), and I have a hard time keeping up with her eating. Right now she eats gravy on everything. The fat in it helps her fill up some. Lots of protein also helps.



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