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Giant Whiteboard??

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We have a big 4' x 8' piece of shower board and we're very happy with it.


I usually just wipe it with a damp cloth during the week for erasing and then give it a thorough cleaning with Windex on Friday afternoons and it doesn't leave any residue at all.


Best $10 I ever spent.

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You could check out some yard sales. We're friends with another homeschooling family and that lady found a gigantic one for 5 bucks. She planted that thing on the wall in her dining room - it was longer than the dinner table. :lol: I still giggle about that visual image...

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Yes, shower board. It is cheap and will last for ever (so it seems). The dry erase board cleaner is about $2.50-$2.75 a bottle but it cleans the board SO much nicer than pure alcohol. I go through about a bottle or so a year. When you multiply that out it is still MUCH cheaper than getting a "real" dry erase board. And I, too, only wipe the whole thing down every week or two (sometimes more if my kids and their friends decide to play school).


Oh, and I found if you clean it well and then wipe it down with orange oil or WD-40 (I preferred this one), it gives it a nice slick surface again for a few weeks so you don't have to use the Expo cleaner.


My dh built a nice frame around it along with a piece of trim attached with a dip that makes a perfect marker tray. We had to hang the board and then mount the frame around it - it was a work in progress for sure.


Good luck!

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