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I've started juicing today. I love the healthy drinks I've had so far.

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I need to know should I be using Metamucil or Benefiber to keep me from having to run to the bathroom? I have a history of IBS-C and IBS-D. I have to eat alkaline foods to change my body from being acidic. I have uric acid stones and had inflamed diverticuli this week.


I'm only going to be eating veggies and fruits for a while. I can use whey protein in my fruit smoothies.


I feel very full when I drink the 8 oz. juice, but then an hour or so later, I am hungry again.


Any help is appreciated!





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with cancer are to avoid them. Sugar feeds cancer cells. Can I put protein powder in a veggie juice mixture? I know it works with the berry smoothie I make. Berries are lower in glycemic levels, so I have one of those with protein in the mornings. That gives me all my sugar in the morning, allowing me to burn it off all day.

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I don't know what your budget is like but if you can get a Blendtec or Vitamix blender (even used, on Craigslist or whatever), you can put the WHOLE fruits/ veg in there and it is much better for you because it doesn't get rid of the fiber so it is lower glycemic. You are literally getting the entire fruit/veg. I used to juice until I found this out, now we do veg/fruit smoothies in the Blendtec and it is much much better healthwise! You will stay full longer too! PM me if you decide to get it and want my wonderful recipe that has lemons, kale, spinach, pineapple (this may be too high glycemic for you), blueberries, etc. in it. My entire family drinks this every day!


If you don't care if it's "chunky" you can do it in a regular blender, if it's a really good blender, but it doesn't taste as good.

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as my regular blender, but the juice is good. The kids put the whole fruit/veg in today. There was some pulp removed, but not that bad, I guess? Several on here had suggested it was a good one. Hope I didn't buy the wrong thing?

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That is a good brand of juicer, don't worry. If you can ever get a heavy-duty blender like the ones I mentioned, it would be great to get the whole fruit/veg. We did the juicer for years though before changing over to blending whole veg/fruit and it was fine! Lord's blessing and healing upon you!

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I hate to sound like a broken record, but please get that apple cider vinegar into your system! My daughter had severe GERD at age 5 and the drs kept increasing her meds. NOTHING was working. I did my research and started the ACV to neutralize her body. It cured her.


FYI, acidic bodies are unhealthy. Please try to get that ACV in you.


For fat/protein can you nibble on some raw nuts or are you trying to fast? I buy raw nuts because they are PACKED with nutrients.

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I hate to sound like a broken record, but please get that apple cider vinegar into your system! My daughter had severe GERD at age 5 and the drs kept increasing her meds. NOTHING was working. I did my research and started the ACV to neutralize her body. It cured her.


FYI, acidic bodies are unhealthy. Please try to get that ACV in you.


For fat/protein can you nibble on some raw nuts or are you trying to fast? I buy raw nuts because they are PACKED with nutrients.


Could you give a bit more info on the apple cider vinegar, please? Do you mix it with anything? How much do you drink daily? Can a cancer survivor safely use this (while still on chemo)? The OP mentioned that bananas are not good for cancer patients (I didn't know that either - the peds oncologists haven't said he can't eat them . . . ), so that is why I'm asking.


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Almonds are the only alkaline nuts. I soak them, then dry them in the sun. You can make almond milk. Soak 1 cup of almonds overnight. The next morning, pop them in the blender with 2 or 3 cups of water. Blend well. Then strain. I add a date and some vanilla, but you might not want to add the date if you are staying away from sugars. It still tastes good, and it wont upset your alkaline balance. When I am hungry, a glass of almond milk really fills me up- it's satisfying.


I used to have an acid system. I have been eating 80% raw fruit and veg for about 2 months and now my system is alkaline- and feels very good. Even if you don't want to go completely raw, there is a huge raw food community online and it gives me lots of inspiration. A lot of it can be dogmatic ...you just have to take what resonates and works for you.


Also, I recommend adding in green smoothies to your juicing regime. Blend 2 parts fruit to 1 part leafy greens, and add some water. You can add your powders to it if you want. It is a great filler, and the greens give your body the minerals it needs so that you don't get cravings.


Vegetables do not give you many calories, so make sure you are eating enough (unless you are juice fasting- in which case, make sure you are drinking plenty). I am getting my calories mostly from fruit, and eating as much as I want. I don't feel deprived at all- and I do eat some cooked food and meat when I feel I need it.

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