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help with my dryer....

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About this time last year, I had a repair man come to look at our dryer because it was taking 2 or 3 90 min. cycles to dry a load of clothes. We have a 7.5 c.u. capacity dryer, so I'm certain this wasn't a size issue. He tested the temperature and said that the dryer was getting up to the heat to dry the clothes.


Then he looked at our washer (which had issues) and said that it was leaving the clothes too wet after the spin cycle because the motor was going bad. I agreed because I would always run the clothes through 2 spin cycles. So we bought a new washer. I LOVE IT! It can do HUGE loads of laundry. They told me at the store, I have one of the largest capacity dryers out there and wouldn't need a new one.


But one year later, I'm back to running the dryer forever and even reduced my loads in half! The auto-sensor NEVER worked on this dryer. As soon as one sock was dry, it would think the entire load was dry. I always used the timed dry. DH has vac'd the back and cleaned it out and the performance is just terrible! This isn't an old dryer either. I think it's maybe 6 years old.


I'm so annoyed. I already have a great dislike for laundry so I feel like I'm always fighting it! And it just should take so long to get a load done, right?


Should I call a different repair man or just go get a new one? Any suggestions on what to look at? Right now I'm ticked at Kenmore.

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Does your dryer vent to the outside? Maybe it needs to be cleaned out.


Yes, and DH went as far as he could. The vent goes all the way across the house. Isn't that crazy? And the repairman did some cleaning when he looked at last year. DH cleaned it last week because I was so backed up on laundry!!!


Mine was doing the same thing a while ago and my husband took the hose out of the vent and cleaned it out. I am not sure how this works and he is at work right now, but I would be happy to let you know when he gets home.


Yes, please do! Maybe DH missed something!

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We had that problem (long dry time) on our work dryer (vet hospital, so tons of toweling from the kennels) and for many months the staff just kept drying and redrying. . .


The poor thing finally died and when we replaced it, we learned that the exhaust hose/vent had been crushed in a prior rearrange-the-machines episode. . . and so the poor dryer had been trying to dry with very low air flow! It finally killed it.


I sure wish we'd investigated more thoroughly before we had 1) blown who knows how much $$ on all that extra electricity and 2) killed the dryer.


Soooo, if I were you, I'd check your exhaust venting. . .make sure it is clear and clean, not crushed or kinked. You can try a trial-run of your dryer just exhausting into the house with an old pantyhose across the pipe to catch the lint. If it dries well that way, you'll know it is a venting problem, not a dryer problem. . . . (Don't do this a lot d/t allergies issues. . . also, if it is a gas dryer, use caution d/t carbon monoxide. . . I'm talking about doing it for one load!)

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