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Bio-identical hormones and Natural progesterone

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Does anyone know anything about these? I have had genetic testing done because my grandma and her dad both had strokes (her dad had his at the age of 29, which is a red flag, apparently). My testing showed two genetic mutations that put me at a higher risk for blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes (among other things). Therefore, BCPs are out of the question for regulating my RIDICULOUS cycles. My doctor has now suggested the bio-identicals and he even told me I could start with a "natural progesterone." I found one at my natural foods store, but I have no idea if this is safe to try or not given my genetic issues. I have an appt with my hematologist to discuss all of this at the end of Feb, but my GYN is not really sure that the hematologist will understand the difference (not his field) between the bio-identicals, naturals, and chemical hormones and he may lump them all together. I want to be safe, but I also want to do something other than surgery to help my cycles.


Anyone with experiences you could share?

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Does anyone know anything about these? I have had genetic testing done because my grandma and her dad both had strokes (her dad had his at the age of 29, which is a red flag, apparently). My testing showed two genetic mutations that put me at a higher risk for blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes (among other things). Therefore, BCPs are out of the question for regulating my RIDICULOUS cycles. My doctor has now suggested the bio-identicals and he even told me I could start with a "natural progesterone." I found one at my natural foods store, but I have no idea if this is safe to try or not given my genetic issues. I have an appt with my hematologist to discuss all of this at the end of Feb, but my GYN is not really sure that the hematologist will understand the difference (not his field) between the bio-identicals, naturals, and chemical hormones and he may lump them all together. I want to be safe, but I also want to do something other than surgery to help my cycles.


Anyone with experiences you could share?


Mine is limited. Several months ago, I was experiencing more pms symptoms (weird lumps in my br@#sts that were cyclical) so during my annual checkup, I asked my doc. She's quite keen on healthy living and women's health. I mean, that's her gig and she certainly looks the part. Anyway, without batting an eyelash, she advised me to get on the bio-identical progesterone. She said her other patients love it. It is a diuretic and helps you sleep. It would help with the pms.


I had to go to a special pharmacy to get it. Sounds expensive but it was only $25. I don't have those weird bumps anymore and when my flowers come, it's only for a 3-4 days and much less noticeable. You only use it the last 2 weeks of your cycle.


I've only been using it for 3 cycles. I can't say I love this stuff but it hasn't seem to hurt me any. That is to say, I've not experienced anything miraculous. I usually never keep track of my cycle but I downloaded IPeriod to my Ipod to help me figure it out. Uh, one of the side effects of the cream is "promotes conception" so I am keeping track!!!

Edited by LG Gone Wild
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I've been bio-identical Prog for almost 3 years. It helps me sleep since I have practically zero estrogen and would have very low Prog as well due to a complete hysterectomy.


It has worked very well for me. I have no idea about your specific medical situation since this did not apply to me.

I go to a compound pharmacy and this product has to be prescribed by either a MD or Naturopath. Mine is in cream form and very easy to apply, not greasy or smelly.

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See if your library has any books by Dr John Lee such as this one :




Even the one about menopause, even if you are not menopausal, is good informaiton about progesterone and bio identical hormones.


I used progesterone cream for several years and it REALLY helped. It made pre menstrual times bearable. After several years of it...I jsut felt to stop and I seem to be fine without it. But it seemed miraculous at teh time.

Its something you need to find your own way with. I used a small dose and only in the evenings. Others need it twice a day, and need more.

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Vitex, aka "Chaste Tree Berry" is an herb that is very gentle, but very effective at regulating estrogen and progesterone. I don't have any idea whether it's appropriate for you situation, of course, but it's worth asking about.


Vitex seems to allow your body to balance your hormones correctly, though it contains no estrogen or progesterone. It decreases PMS symptoms and increases the luteal (progesterone) phase of your cycle. It *can* increase fertility, so be aware of that if you're not ttc.


If your cycles are really bad, you might need to consider prescription bioidentical progesterone, not just OTC cream. One Rx form is called "Prometrium." I took it for several months, and it was wonderful for reducing PMS symptoms, making me sleep soundly all night, and feeling calm and emotionally balanced (but not drugged).


If you take it orally, take it at NIGHT, b/c it will make you sleepy. If you don't want to be sleepy, and can't take it at night for some reason, ask about using it vaginally. Vaginal use increases its ability to get right to the ovaries, and is a common way to use it.


If taken more than a couple of weeks a month, Prometrium can suppress ovulation -- something to be aware of. It's not considered birth control (and not reliable for use a BC), and I don't think it's meant to be used more than about 2 weeks a month, so research carefully before taking it anytime except after ovulation.





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