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No comments about this week's episode? Or lack of previews for next week?


I'm just hanging. It's bad enough having to wait till Friday night so I can watch it online...no preview either?


I thought this episode was one of the clearest, most linear, illuminating, etc. I just. want. to. know: WHAT HAPPENS NEXT??? :D That's all.

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There was a teeny short thread here. I was very surprised with how much of the episode was spent in Michael's flashback. Almost the entire show!


I wish I had a crystal ball and could know who's the most baddest villain, Ben or Widmore. I don't need to know how the storyline plays out, I just want to know whose side to be on. I doubt either will prove to be a saint! :biggrinjester:


I was glad they finally made mention of the other Others. We hadn't heard anything about them for quite a few weeks! That really ripped me at the end with Danielle. :crying: I had been rooting for her and Alex since the beginning. But Lindeloff and Cuse had mentioned in a podcast from last season (I think) that we would see Rousseau flashbacks in season 4, so hopefully that will be the case.


And on one hand I wanted to cheer on Sayid when he sold Michael out, and on the other hand I wanted to yell at him to just STOP and think first! But that goes back to the question of who's the baddest baddy of them all.


And it was good to see Libby again.:o I so wish they would have allowed her and Hurley to have a little bit of happiness before she died. No, scratch that. I wish she hadn't died.


Okay, well I guess I've rambled long enough. :)

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There is no next week. New episodes begin again April 24. :sad:


Oh no! How do you know that??




We're not to the magic 8 yet are we? And I thought the strike ended soon enough that we were going to get more? :crying:

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Do you think they'd do a flashback for Danielle if she's dead? Here it is season four and we've yet to see this supposed flashback episode of hers. She might not be dead. And what was up with her "preppy" new look?


I'm not sure if Sayid's exposing Michael is a good or bad idea. My initial reaction was to think it was a bad move on his part. But, it just isn't like him to fly off the handle and do things irrationally so I'm hoping he has good reasons (other than angry revenge) for doing it. I'm hoping it was a strategic move as well. Which it might be because any "friend" of Ben's is an enemy.


I for one don't want to know who is the good guy, who is the bad guy. I don't think its that black and white for one thing. Ben has done bad things, there isn't really any way to good them up. They have both abused power and people, though Ben is an extremely interesting character. But I see the point, it does seem to be moving toward a Ben vs Widmore dynamic, which in case I still don't want to know who to root for because I love the ambiguity!


And I had another thought after seeing the previews for the next episode (I say previews but I really mean "flashes before my eyes" they go so fast). I'm wondering if Claire DOESN'T give up Aaron. I wonder if the rescue happens so fast, and Claire is not there but Aaron is and somehow he makes it off the island and she doesn't not because she chose to but because something crazy happens and they are seperated. She may not have to die.

And I really think the actual leaving of the island by the few that leave the island will be a CRAZY event.


April 24 is sooo far away. And Eli Stone really sucks.

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Do you think they'd do a flashback for Danielle if she's dead? Here it is season four and we've yet to see this supposed flashback episode of hers. She might not be dead. And what was up with her "preppy" new look?


I wondered the same thing. Could it be that if she is dead, she will still show up in someone else's flashback? Or possibly, Alex will gain the upper hand of whoever did the shooting by admitting to being Ben's daughter. So she may be able to get them to save Danielle. :confused:


I'm not sure if Sayid's exposing Michael is a good or bad idea. My initial reaction was to think it was a bad move on his part. But, it just isn't like him to fly off the handle and do things irrationally so I'm hoping he has good reasons (other than angry revenge) for doing it. I'm hoping it was a strategic move as well. Which it might be because any "friend" of Ben's is an enemy.


I really want to believe that Sayid does have a plan, for instance, to gain the captain's trust. He's always so suave, this reaction just seemed so impulsive. The thing that makes me concerned that it may not have been a calculated move is the fact that the writers had Kate make an uber stupid, completely unbelievable move when she turned her back on Charlotte in the jungle while she looked through their bag and found the masks. That is so NOT what street-smart Kate would do. That was perhaps the the biggest error in judgment that I have seen the fabulous writers make on this show... other than the sickening Nikki and Paulo bungle. :ack2:


I for one don't want to know who is the good guy, who is the bad guy. I don't think its that black and white for one thing. Ben has done bad things, there isn't really any way to good them up. They have both abused power and people, though Ben is an extremely interesting character. But I see the point, it does seem to be moving toward a Ben vs Widmore dynamic, which in case I still don't want to know who to root for because I love the ambiguity!


You know, I'm the type of person who will cover my eyes and sing, "La la la la" when a preview comes on for a movie I want to see. I always prefer to be surprised. I love the mystery of the show, but this one issue seems to be getting the best of me. :glare: I think it was very interesting how, in Ben's conversation with Michael, that he pointed out that he didn't actually tell Michael to kill Libby and Anna Lucia. He seems to take no responsibility for actions that other people take on his behalf. But I can't wait to find out more about Annie. I think she will end up having played a major role in Ben becoming who he is today.


And I had another thought after seeing the previews for the next episode (I say previews but I really mean "flashes before my eyes" they go so fast). I'm wondering if Claire DOESN'T give up Aaron. I wonder if the rescue happens so fast, and Claire is not there but Aaron is and somehow he makes it off the island and she doesn't not because she chose to but because something crazy happens and they are seperated. She may not have to die.

And I really think the actual leaving of the island by the few that leave the island will be a CRAZY event.


April 24 is sooo far away. And Eli Stone really sucks.


Yeah, it does seem to be heading towards a very fast "escape" indeed. But then that would make Desmond's vision wrong since he said he saw Claire and the baby being rescued. Which makes you wonder if indeed he did, or did he only see the baby getting on the helicopter, but knew Charlie had to believe otherwise?


And where did the freighter guys go this time with the helicopter??? Are they the ones who shot at Danielle? Or did Ben control the whole thing to remove the "obstacles" between him and Alex? Like his possessiveness with Juliet, he's not one to live by the old adage, "If you love someone, set them free," KWIM?


So many questions!

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I guess Danielle's story could be told via someone else's flashback...maybe. I don't know how fans' reactions will be to this though, I bet some would feel cheated. I'm not at all convinced she's dead, will have to wait and see. When Karl got shot, I was like...oh thats who's going to die, a veritable redshirt. Then I almost fell over when Danielle got shot. If its the freighter people shooting at them, then Alex may have some bargaining power. But she doesn't if they are being shot at by Ben's people acting on instructions from him. They were ok with imprisoning Karl so perhaps they would be ok with shooting him too, and Danielle is nothing to them. And they've proven time and again that Ben can either force, manipulate or persuade his people to do what he wants them to do.


Sayid..ahhh Sayid. I hope its not the writing, I really do. They have done an impressive job of developing all these characters and I hope the writers are not getting lazy. Dh and I were annoyed with Kate too, even as she knelt and turned her back we were like....no way. It is hard to believe Kate's character would be that naive when she JUST caught them lying and being secretive and their intentions are highly questionable.


Annie, we haven't seen hide nor hair nor mention of her since the one episode...unless Goodwin's wife (forgot her name, is it Taylor?) was referring to her when she muttered something about Juliet "looking just like her". Bet that was a reference to Annie. I wonder if she's someone we've met already.


And that's true about Desmond's vision including Claire. Well, that means either his vision was wrong (doubt that), he lied to Charlie (possible) or Claire does get on the helicopter but something happens afterward (also possible). Maybe she gets off for some reason intending to get right back on but it takes off without her? Or perhaps she is forced off?


And YES the helicopter is doing something!! Half the time its gone from the freighter, what is it doing??? Frank is up to something. I hope he is anyway, I like the idea of him being a loose cannon.


And Miles suddenly became more interesting to me when he first met Michael and said almost playfully "Your name's not Kevin." How does he know this stuff????? I get the ghostbusting ability, but Michael's not dead...so how did he know????


And wth is up with all the lists??? There was ANOTHER list wanted by Ben (Jacob too?), this time of all the freighties.


I also loved in this episode that the island was again referred to as its own identity, that it wouldn't "let" Michael die. Or maybe it was just Tom speaking metaphorically. Actually, the island is probably my favorite character in the show!! I want it to have some sort of sentience. Maybe Jacob, the havids, the smoke monster are all physical manifestations of it??? Who knows, its crazy stuff.

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oh thats who's going to die, a veritable redshirt


Alas, poor Karl, just when they were getting to spend some time together!


I wasn't sure I would like the entire Michael flashback, I was kind of glad to see him gone. I'm glad they have finally explained Walt, however. There has been great speculation about explaining his growth of four years over the 90 day timeline. It seemed to me the entire episode was kind of the dumping ground, they gave out so much information. I know, I know, we've been screaming for more clues, but you could tell it was last episode for a while.


I think Sayid knows exactly what he is doing. He's playing both sides, IMO. Are we to assume that Michael is now the 6th or are they saying Aaron is? In the previews for the April shows they said, "Now that we know the Oceanic 6". I'm confused on that a little.


Locke is losing his edge and I think Sawyer may end up in charge of Otherville. Did I see a bloody nose on Mr. Friendly or was it just the lighting?


I'm rambling now, oh well, carry on....:auto:

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I guess Danielle's story could be told via someone else's flashback...maybe. I don't know how fans' reactions will be to this though, I bet some would feel cheated.


I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of how Nadia shows up in so many flashbacks. Not that it is her flashback, but we see some of her past in someone else's flashback.


Annie, we haven't seen hide nor hair nor mention of her since the one episode...unless Goodwin's wife (forgot her name, is it Taylor?) was referring to her when she muttered something about Juliet "looking just like her". Bet that was a reference to Annie. I wonder if she's someone we've met already.


My thoughts are that she is referring either to Annie, or to Ben's mom, who had the blonde curly hair like Juliet did when she first came to the island. Ooh, maybe that is why she started straightening it! She realized that linked her with Ben's mom or Annie, and she wanted to separate herself from that identity. I really want to see more of what happened between the time Juliet came to the island and the time of the crash. She went through a major change!


And that's true about Desmond's vision including Claire. Well, that means either his vision was wrong (doubt that), he lied to Charlie (possible) or Claire does get on the helicopter but something happens afterward (also possible). Maybe she gets off for some reason intending to get right back on but it takes off without her? Or perhaps she is forced off?


I can totally see Kate getting on the helicopter first, and the Claire handing Aaron to Kate so she can climb on board, and then she starts to get on (like in Desmond's dream) but then it takes off without her. And then we're left with a clip of Kate with this horrified look, starring down at the baby that she is now responsible for.


I also loved in this episode that the island was again referred to as its own identity, that it wouldn't "let" Michael die. Or maybe it was just Tom speaking metaphorically. Actually, the island is probably my favorite character in the show!! I want it to have some sort of sentience. Maybe Jacob, the havids, the smoke monster are all physical manifestations of it??? Who knows, its crazy stuff.


One thing that stumped me when Michael was about to press execute on the briefcase of explosives was that Libby appeared and told him not to. Most of the time when I see an apparition of a dead person, I assume it is the island, or some manifestation of Jacob. If Ben was in line with the island, then why would it tell Michael not to do what Ben told him to do? Wouldn't "it" know that the bomb wouldn't go off? Was that maybe a clue that the island doesn't agree with Ben? Or was Libby simply a figment of Michael's OMG-I'm-about-to-die brain?


And I would really love to see Locke grow his balls back. He's been very pitiful this season.

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I thought that it was interesting that Sayid "condemned" Michael for working for Ben and we already know that Sayid will be working for Ben in the future. It makes me feel that telling the Captain was not a good idea but I'm not sure why.


I think that Ben arranged for Danielle and Karl to be shot. Did you see how he watched Karl put his arm around Alex? He did not seem pleased. Ben is very possesive of the women that he perceives to be his.

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I think that Ben arranged for Danielle and Karl to be shot. Did you see how he watched Karl put his arm around Alex? He did not seem pleased. Ben is very possesive of the women that he perceives to be his.


Yeah, I think it was definitely Ben's people who did that!

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Are we to assume that Michael is now the 6th or are they saying Aaron is? In the previews for the April shows they said, "Now that we know the Oceanic 6".

While the preview said that, there was definitely a picture of Aaron shown. I would assume Aaron is one of the 6. Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun, Hurley and Aaron.


I guess I'm thinking more along the lines of how Nadia shows up in so many flashbacks. Not that it is her flashback, but we see some of her past in someone else's flashback.

I know what you mean, she may yet show up in some flashbacks but I think it would behoove the writers to give her a flashback of her own.


I thought that it was interesting that Sayid "condemned" Michael for working for Ben and we already know that Sayid will be working for Ben in the future.

That was rather chilling, and a bit of poetic irony.



referring either to Annie, or to Ben's mom

Yep Ben's mom is a possibility too, but I lean towards Annie, its more mysterious. :)


Or was Libby simply a figment of Michael's OMG-I'm-about-to-die brain?


I'm thinking Libby was a figment of Michael's guilt, because she also showed up off island when he was in the hospital. Also usually there's a lot more spookiness and atmosphere when a havid appears. Just a guess though.


And I would really love to see Locke grow his balls back. He's been very pitiful this season.

He goes through seasons like this quite regularly! I remember how pathetic season 2 Locke was. Maybe the writers just kind of need to leave him in limbo right now while other things are being forwarded.


I think that Ben arranged for Danielle and Karl to be shot.

I'm leaning towards Ben myself.

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Well, you all pretty much covered everything I was gonna say. LOL. My gut didn't want Sayid to turn Michael in until he and Desmond had discussed possible scenarios, etc. I hope he made the right choice, but I'm with the rest of you in not knowing who is worse Widmore or Ben. I really want Desmond to actually end up being reunited with Penny, but I have a bad feeling, especially since it's Widmore's boat and he doesn't want Desmond with Penny. I also wonder what the next 2 full seasons will bring. It seems that this season will bring the conclusion of getting off the island for whoever does, so will we see them in the real world and trying to get back to the island? I can't wait 2 more years for the resolution. And I really want a happy ending!

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I found it interesting that both sides Whitmore and Ben are telling the same story about the staging of Flight 815. Personally, I think that Ben had more to do with it then Whitmore because he doesn't want people to find the island. I really don't understand the motive that Whitmore would have in staging a big cover-up. Plus how would Whitmore know that the flight crashed on the island and not into the sea.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but we still don't know who is really behind the Dharma Intiative do we? Obviously with the stash Ben has in his house, it's someone with a lot of clout. It wouldn't surprise me if it is Widmore all along.


Yes, I want Desi and Penny to get together. After pushing the button for so long, he deserves to be happy.

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I really want Desmond to actually end up being reunited with Penny, but I have a bad feeling, especially since it's Widmore's boat and he doesn't want Desmond with Penny.


The Desmond and Penny storyline has to be one of my favorites. Honestly, even if they never end up together, that phone conversation they had was enough to satisfy me. ("It was enough... I am pacified." :)) My hope and dream is that they do end up together, and possibly do some major time shift, and end up being the Adam and Eve from the cave. They have such an epic love story, and I think they would be the perfect couple for that. (Not sure the writers will go that extreme with the time-shifting, though. But I can dream, right???)

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Desmond and Penny being together at the end of it all is one of the things my gut feels pretty sure about. :001_smile: It may not end well for anyone else but I think those two are going to make it.


And isn't Alvar Hanso and the Hanso Foundation the money behind Dharma? A few episodes ago, Widmore was shown buying the Black Rock ledger from Torvard Hanso, who is some kind of relative. It may be that eventually Hanso will show up as being involved in the Ben v. Widmore thing.


The more I think about it, the more sure I am sure that it WAS Ben's group attacking Alex, Danielle and Karl.

For one thing, we've seen that Ben is still in communications with the Others. They may be at this temple, but Ben sent Taylor to try to get Juliet to kill Charlotte and Daniel and that implies some type of communication.

Secondly, during the attack, all you saw of the attackers was plants swaying, they were invisible. And if that isn't Others warfare tactics I don't know what is!

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Desmond got his memory back, so yes he remembers Sayid. I had a wild thought this morning, not sure why. Did Ben end up killing Annie? Do we know? What if Libby is Annie? That or she is/was working for Widmore. Remember she is the one that had the sailboat that she so generously allowed Desmond to use.


My son and I watched the pilot episode last night, it was interesting to see how far we've come.

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Two thoughts...


1. I'm thinking Rousseau is not dead and we will see her, again.


2. It would not surprise me if Ben made up that whole story to get Rousseau, Alex, and the boyfriend out in the open so his goons could get rid of Rousseau and the boyfriend. I think it's the Others that shot them both.





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We know nothing about Annie and what happened to her. We don't even know if she was still there when Ben instrumented the purge. If she was, it would make him the biggest cold hearted s.o.b. I've ever heard of.

IMHO, I don't think Libby was Annie. I think if she was, we would've had some sort of clue. She could still turn up to be someone we've met or will meet though.

Libby is definitely a mystery. I'm waiting to see exactly where she fits into all this. Not only did she give Desmond the boat, but she was also in the institution with Hurley. Hurley doesn't remember it, we never learned if she knew or not. Any other character have any ties with Libby?

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What if Libby is Annie?


You know what's funny? That's what I call her half the time anyway because that was her character's name on Guiding Light (years ago when I watched that). And I'm sure the writers would know that fact, also. :001_cool:


Another thing I have always wondered about is if her husband who died, named David, happened to be the Dave that was Hurley's imaginary friend in the institution. Who knows.


Even though I hated her dying, I loved the poetry of her boat showing up during her funeral. What great writers!!!

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