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Workout gurus - another question about Shred

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I have done Shred 6 days straight. Yesterday I spoke with a personal trainer (who happens to love Shred by the way). She recommended 2 days on and 1 day off. Her reasons were based on the fact that I am 47. She suggested I might need a little more down time to let my body recover and deal with the inflammation. She said to drink lots more water too.


Anybody else find 2 days on 1 day off works well? I am thinking about trying it this morning. But, I do not want to sabotage myself by taking a day off this early. I also don't want to get injured because I pushed too hard and did not give myself enough recovery time.


Thoughts anyone??

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Don't know about that but I have done 2 days. I was extremely sore after Day 1 but noticed a big difference after Day 2. I'm close to your age so I'm watching the responses to this as well.


It seems to be a great workout so far. I'm just waiting for my abs to look like theirs! My dd was watching me yesterday and said, "Mom, those ladies on the DVD don't jiggle at all." I had to laugh. I'll be there soon!

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Maybe if you're really, really out of shape - but then I think you should do daily but a more moderate workout.


Generally speaking though, my sense is that this workout can be done daily. Our bodies are meant to move, not be stationary & I don't think we need days off from normal levels of exercise (ie not running endurance races etc)


I also think that this is meant to jump start the metabolism and get you seeing results so you're motivated to continue - perhaps at a more moderate pace.


I know lots of people who do a 1/2 h workout every day. (generally speaking, I'm not one of them because I'm chronically lazy....:D)


I do agree with more water.


I think if you're really suffering, I'd skip one day & do something like swim laps instead just to get a different body movement going but I think you should keep going. I skipped on a couple days because I went snowboarding one day & then on a long hike with the dogs another day, but otherwise, I think it's best to keep going, even if it means doing a lower impact version or using lighter weights (or even no weights & just doing arm movements)

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I don't know the Shred at all, but I will be checking it out soon with interlibrary loan. Is the plan to do that one video 7 days a week? The idea from the personal trainer is not a bad one. Technically, your body needs rest from strength training activity for 48 hours before you repeat the same activity. The idea is that your muscles need to repair and grow in that period. By over-doing it too much, the muscles do not have time to repair and grow. So, the best strength training routines do legs, back and biceps one day and then chest, triceps and shoulders the next day and then repeat. If the Shred works the whole body then a day off in between would also be a good idea and then encorporating a high intensity cardio workout on the off days would be very good! Generally, cardio is good every day and strength training should be done in spits or whole body every other day. Hope that helps.

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The concern over the age is the hormonal fluctuations. These cause fluid retention, among other physical concerns. There are so many changes going on metabolically at this perimenopause time, that balance is important.


Yes, Lauren, the concern the trainer expressed with Shred was the same weight routine every. single. day. She loves Shred. She thinks it is awesome. But, she is concerned about my doing it every day. I think I will just do aerobics or pilates today and leave Shred until tomorrow.

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I borrowed Shred from Netflix to see if I would like it. I tried all 3 levels so I would know what I was getting into before purchasing my own copy. I have done each level twice and I did them every other day. I did it that way so my muscles would have a rest day. Yoga was done on my "off" days. I am glad I checked out levels 2 & 3 because level 1 is my least favorite and I would not buy my own copy based on that routine. :)

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that is good to know. I plan to start level 2 tomorrow. Today I did a pilates dvd I like quite a bit. I did notice the strength portion was easier but I had lost flexibility. Not sure there is enough stretching in Shred for me. I will add more.


Yes, Shred could use more stretching at the end. I really don't think it is much of a cool-down so I usually do my own cool-down/stretching. I do yoga to help me stay flexible and balanced because that is important to me. Have fun with level 2!

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that is good to know. I plan to start level 2 tomorrow. Today I did a pilates dvd I like quite a bit. I did notice the strength portion was easier but I had lost flexibility. Not sure there is enough stretching in Shred for me. I will add more.


Care to share the name of the pilates dvd you like? I am wanting to get one but would like a rec. first.

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Sure. I stream one off Netflix called Pick Your Level Weight Loss Pilates. I don't think it will make you loose any weight, but I like the flexibility I get after the workout. My triceps also burn quite a bit from this one. The trainer in the dvd has a few others (also available from Netflix instant) that are more challenging. This is my "off day" pick.

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I personally see no problem with a 2 day on, 1 day off, Shred rotation. I usually take the weekends off, and do find I am stronger on Monday.


I injured my foot before Christmas and it has still not healed, so I find that too much jumping-days in a row aggravates it. So yesterday, instead of Shred, I did Jillian's No More Trouble Zones workout. It was a great workout! I definitely didn't feel that I missed any "shredding" results by using it instead.


No More Trouble Zones has just a warm up in the beginning, and then several circuit weight workouts somewhat like the weight circuits in Shred minus the cardio circuits. Even without the cardio circuits, I got plenty of cardio though...and did plenty of sweating! LOL It's a lot more weight training than Shred. You can also pick and choose which circuits of the body you want to do, so it would be a decent in between workout perhaps?


Today, I think I am going to TRY to do Level 2 of Shred. Eeek!

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Sure. I stream one off Netflix called Pick Your Level Weight Loss Pilates. I don't think it will make you loose any weight, but I like the flexibility I get after the workout. My triceps also burn quite a bit from this one. The trainer in the dvd has a few others (also available from Netflix instant) that are more challenging. This is my "off day" pick.


Thanks so much.

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