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my DS(12yo) is registered for the Feb ACT. He took a practice test and scored a 36 in reading! His lowest score was in math but it was still decent.


Subjects ranked from best to worst were:






He seems calm about taking the test "for real". I am a nervous wreck.


Way to go on the 36! Even on a practice test that's excellent!


DS is signed up to take the SAT this Saturday. He couldn't care less. (Which I appreciate - if he were really worried we wouldn't put him through it!) I'm hyperanalyzing his practice test. I just want to be prepared for the range of possibilities, not get my hopes up too much but not really expect the worst... And of course the "real thing" could be easier or harder or he might make silly mistakes because of nerves or fatigue. Basically I can't predict what he'll get and I hate that!! LOL The suspense is already killing me and he hasn't taken the test yet! :lol: He's doing the ACT in April and I'm expecting the opposite profile as your DS's -- math and science are his main strengths, and reading and English he kind of wings it and hopes for the best. LOL

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It sounds like he'll do great! You've probably already covered this, but just in case - if he is going to be taking the test at a regular test site with mostly high schoolers make sure he is aware of that. When I took them at that age I was the only 'little kid' there and it threw me off a bit. I think it is more common for kids his age to test now though.

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It sounds like he'll do great! You've probably already covered this, but just in case - if he is going to be taking the test at a regular test site with mostly high schoolers make sure he is aware of that.


He will be testing at the local comm. college. He has been taking tests there for the last year (Univ. of MO science class) and is comfortable with the room and the proctor. He is usually the only kid in the testing area so being the youngest shouldn't be a novelty for him.


Thanks for thinking of him, though.

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