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How many hours per day do you spend on school?

Guest mrs. logic

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We insert piano practice, vision therapy, 30 minutes of play, breakfast, lunch, and usually trumpet into the schedule... dd (4th) starts at 7 am and usually finishes around 2 or 2:30, including reading time. We could probably finish before lunch if we took out the piano, vision, play, and trumpet, but it works better for us to integrate them into the day.


Ds ("preK") spends about 10 minutes on phonics and 10 minutes on handwriting a day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

5th grader - 5 to 6 hours, closer to 6 most days. That includes a few short breaks and lunch. He's beginning music theory and violin lessons in the next couple of weeks so that will add a little more time a few days a week. And, it's becoming increasingly common for him to have a half hour or so of work to do in the evenings (due to dawdling) so that is in addition to the 5 to 6 hours.


2nd grader - around 2 hours of his own work but he usually sits in on some portion of his brothers so that normally adds an additional hour or two to his school time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow! I am blown away by how many hours some of you do school! (not saying anything is wrong with that, just stating an observation) This sort of makes me feel like maybe I'm doing something wrong. My 12 YO son is in 7th grade, and we are done by lunchtime each day. We do six subjects. He takes no breaks (his choice) because he wants to get it over with. We usually start around 7:30-8:00 am, and we are done with the formal schooling by 10:00 or 10:30. He then has homework in his four core subjects, and he usually finishes that by 12:00-12:30. It really depends on what time he gets started. Some days he is ready to begin at 7AM, and I am not! LOL! Other days he drags around until 8:30, so he obviously finishes later. I would say our average school day complete with homework is four hours. He knows not to fly through his work just to get done because I will make him redo sloppy or incorrect work. I just assumed we get done earlier than a regular school because I only have one student, so I only have to make sure my one student understands and is learning. Anyone else out there like me?

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You know, I realized today there's a heck of a lot of things we do here that my kids don't consider school. Our afternoon reading hour isn't considered school by them. Anything we do at the chalk board or white board isn't school according to them.


Basically, if it is on the computer or in a workbook, and therefore sitting at the school table, it is school. Otherwise, it is just life.


Sooo, we do about 1 hour of what my kids would techinically consider school per day. Then reading aloud is another hour. Chalk boarding is about another 15 minutes.


I'm really only teaching my dd K, but my ds keeps insisting on attending! :tongue_smilie:

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Wow! I am blown away by how many hours some of you do school! (not saying anything is wrong with that, just stating an observation) This sort of makes me feel like maybe I'm doing something wrong. My 12 YO son is in 7th grade, and we are done by lunchtime each day. We do six subjects. He takes no breaks (his choice) because he wants to get it over with. We usually start around 7:30-8:00 am, and we are done with the formal schooling by 10:00 or 10:30. He then has homework in his four core subjects, and he usually finishes that by 12:00-12:30. It really depends on what time he gets started. Some days he is ready to begin at 7AM, and I am not! LOL! Other days he drags around until 8:30, so he obviously finishes later. I would say our average school day complete with homework is four hours. He knows not to fly through his work just to get done because I will make him redo sloppy or incorrect work. I just assumed we get done earlier than a regular school because I only have one student, so I only have to make sure my one student understands and is learning. Anyone else out there like me?



I am sure you are doing just fine, and so is your ds. In fact my 2nd dd is very much the same way.


The only reason why we end up hsing for so long is because I have 4 kids. By the time I spend 1.5 hours with the older 3 and 1 hour with the youngest that is 5.5 hours of one on one time alone, without doing any correcting of papers, history, science, crafts or read alouds.


It just adds up.


My kids (vs. me) on the other hand do much less school. The youngest only does the 45min-1 hour that he does with me. My middle two do roughly 2-3 hours. My oldest does work all day, but that is a personality/discipline problem. She is very easily side tracked. There have been days when something was important to her and she did manage to finish it all by noon.



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