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What online conservative news source do you use?

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We have always gone to Fox News online, but their site includes some celebrity or other stories that shows smutty pictures and we are just seeing a need to find something else. Any suggestions? Christian news as well as other important world news would be a plus, but not necessary. We would mainly like to get our news without all the extra smut.

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I like to visit the Drudge Report on occasion. They don't actually write content, but rather, link to news stories from other sources. It's definitely conservative, so you're not going to see the other side of the story there. They do sometimes link to entertainment type stories, but I don't think it's that often, and there are rarely photos that go with the link.


It's a very simple site, but it gets the job done.

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I do not believe PBS self-identifies as being "conservative," and I am sure some conservative sources wouldn't agree on its inclusion, but in my opinion, the PBS NewsHour is remarkably free of smut and sensationalistic treatment as well as mindless celebrity gossip. They generally include multiple perspectives and always have a weekly analysis which includes David Brooks (conservative writer from the NY Times) and Mark Shields. It's worth checking out. Their online site is http://newshour.pbs.org/ ; it has been expanded recently.

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We have always gone to Fox News online, but their site includes some celebrity or other stories that shows smutty pictures and we are just seeing a need to find something else....We would mainly like to get our news without all the extra smut.


I don't have any suggestions, but I just wanted to say that I completely agree with you. I'm not overly religious, I'm fairly conservative, and I like to read news about celebrities, but my gosh, has that news site (where I used to go daily) gone down hill with that stuff. The celebrity news is confined to who got the biggest boob job, who's got lesbian tendencies and what Hef's up to these days. Even their choices for "top news" is riddled with the seediest of headlines. Very disappointed - I haven't gone there in months.

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http://www.heritage.org (good for research)






http://www.crosswalk.com (Christian site)


Heritage is one of my favorites for research. They are conservative, but non-partisan. They only show a sampling of their articles on the homepage. For optimum benefit, do a search on your topic. You can also become a member for a yearly fee. I'm not sure what that includes since I am not a member, but those that are rave about it.

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I don't have any suggestions, but I just wanted to say that I completely agree with you. I'm not overly religious, I'm fairly conservative, and I like to read news about celebrities, but my gosh, has that news site (where I used to go daily) gone down hill with that stuff. The celebrity news is confined to who got the biggest boob job, who's got lesbian tendencies and what Hef's up to these days. Even their choices for "top news" is riddled with the seediest of headlines. Very disappointed - I haven't gone there in months.


I sent them an email regarding just that this morning.


ETA: Thanks for the other suggestions. I'm glad to know there are other options.

Edited by Dianne-TX
added to message instead of including another post.
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I go to lucianne.com and to drudgereport.com


Lucianne site is a news salon which means that people post links to articles and then a discussion ensues. I have been a site member for many years. You get the big stories but also lots of stories from foreign papers and local papers and I like get those perspectives.

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