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Help me troubleshoot my Thursdays

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Thursday is an awful day for me, and I'm wondering how to make it better. It is our 4th day in a row of schooling, so we're usually pretty burned out. I think I'm trying to make sure we get everything done that we didn't do earlier in the week, schoolwise. Also, I'm trying to get the house clean (and get the kids' cooperation) for the weekend, and sometimes I'm getting ready for co-op as well. It's sort of a convergence zone--all of the pre-weekend and end of the week stuff seem to get dumped in one 6 hour period. I usually have some sort of meltdown. It is miserable for all of us.


Any ideas/thought/experiences that could help? Logically it would seem that spreading the work over the rest of the week would be the answer, but I can't see that happening to the degree that it would alleviate the Thursday pressure.

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My first instinct is subtraction: if there is anything you can move to a different day, do that.


My second instinct is addition: if there is something fun you can add at the end to motivate you and your kids, do that. When we have a long, horrid list, I write it out and at the bottom put WII TOURNAMENT or DONUTS or whatever fun thing I can think of. Amazing how quickly the wee ones work when there is something fun to look forward to . . .

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You said that Thursdays are your day for getting things done that weren't done earlier and for getting ready for the weekend, right? So - Thursday should not have anything else planned like normal spelling, math, etc. Make Thursday your "dot your i's and cross your t's" day. That's your day to look at the schedule from M - W and pull out any work that needs correcting or reviewing or filing and do it. It's also the day to pick up that art project that you just didn't get to on Mon. Then once you've dotted your i's and crossed your t's, then sit down with the kids and make a list of what needs to be done for the weekend. Then parcel it out and do it!

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DH and I always eat lunch out together on Thursdays, and it makes me always look forward to Thursdays. :D Maybe lunch out for you and the kids would help everyone to look forward the Thursdays and getting work done. It's pretty cheap for us because we always eat food from the carts on campus.

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone...I think you all are right about shifting some things and also trying to do our cleaning earlier in the week. I've been thinking about coming up with a new chore system, now that the kids are old enough to take some responsibility. I'll have to give it some thought...

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When I have stuff that needs to get done and I don't want it to interfer with my day...I just get up a couple of hours earlier and do everything I can before the kids get up. That way...it's manageable when they get up and we don't get so off track trying to do so much in so little time. Also doing stuff the night before helps a lot as well. I feel your pain!:grouphug:

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One thing we have done to make the day before co-op easier is that I have (sort of) the same meal each week. That morning I put chicken breasts in the crock-pot. I have about 4-5 different options I can do with that chicken at supper time that require very little prep time. Not having to think about supper, and knowing that the prep won't be a big deal frees my mind to prepare for co-op. Also, the big kids know what to do to prepare these meals, so (if they aren't swimming in co-op work for the next day) they can prep the meal too.


Also, on the day before co-op (which for us is Monday) my dh knows he will be cleaning the kitchen after supper with the little kids while the big kids and I retreat to our rooms to study.




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I have the same issues to some degree on Thursdays. I don't have any good answers for you, but I know if I had to clean house on top of everything else I would be a maniac.


To get ready for our weekend, I make sure everything is picked up and straightened well on Fridays (kids do their own rooms and help with other parts of the house). I also do laundry on Fridays since it is our "light" school day. On Saturday morning we divide the cleaning chores, and since everything is straightened up and neat and we only have to clean, it takes us about an hour all working together.


Maybe you could Wednesday evening and prepare for Thursday and maybe even do some of your prep for co-op? Make sure everything is lined up and ready to go. I am a chronic list maker. If I can get it down on paper, it's out of my head. Then I simply do the first thing on my list and work down from there.

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